How long does Santam take to payout a claim?

Our enhanced information management system means that claims are processed quickly and efficiently and certain lifestyle claims can even be resolved within as little as eight hours, provided we have all the required documentation.

How do I make a claim Santam?

Dial Santam’s 24/7 Emergency Claims line on 0860 505 911 any time of the day or night and we will take care of the rest. You can also request us to contact you or register your claim online.

What does Santam cover?

Includes accidental loss or damage to a vehicle, such as car accidents, theft and hail, plus third-party cover.

What is Santam no claim bonus?

With a no-claim bonus, you get the no-claim bonus upfront, which you then lose if you claim. The percentage payout and thresholds vary among insurers. For example, Santam pays you 20 percent of the first year’s premiums after two claim-free years.

Who is the owner of Santam?

Lizé Lambrechts (Jan 1, 2015–)Santam / CEO

Is Santam part of Sanlam?

Santam is a subsidiary of South African life insurer, Sanlam, which holds 59.2% of Santam’s shares. The company was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa. It is an authorised financial services provider (licence number 3416).

Is Santam and Sanlam the same company?

Where can I use my Santam Claims Card?

The card can only be used to make purchases. For using the card at our preferred supplier, you earn a cash-back that Santam has pre-arranged with the preferred suppliers, and this is credited to your card during the month after you have made use of that supplier.

What does Santam stand for?

The South African National Trust and Assurance Company Limited (Santam) opened its doors for the first time in Cape Town on 1 May 1918.

What type of company is Santam?

general insurer
Our company Santam is the leading general insurer in South Africa with a market share of more than 22%. We provide a diverse range of general insurance products and services in southern Africa and internationally through a network of 2 700 intermediaries and direct channels.

Which bank does Santam use?

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
“Standard Bank” means The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Registration No. 1962/000738/06).

What is a claim card?

ClaimsCard is a revolutionary way to settle insurance claims. Claims are paid directly into your ClaimsCard so that you can replace goods and services directly from approved retailers.