How long does pain last after inguinal hernia repair?

You should start to feel better after a few days. And you’ll probably feel much better in 7 days. For a few weeks you may feel discomfort or pulling in the groin area when you move. You may have some bruising near the repair site and on your genitals.

How long is it normal to have pain after hernia surgery?

After surgery to repair your hernia, you are likely to have pain for a few days. You may also feel tired and have less energy than normal. This is common. You should feel better after a few days and will probably feel much better in 7 days.

Should I still have pain 2 weeks after inguinal hernia surgery?

By the 2nd Week Even though a whole week has gone by, you may still feel some soreness & stiffness, discomfort, and some occasional pain; you should be able to treat these light symptoms with OTC painkillers.

Where do you feel pain after inguinal hernia surgery?

Chronic groin pain is defined as pain that is present for more than 3 months after the inguinal hernia surgery. Chronic groin pain can occur in more than 15% of patients who have this surgery.

Why does my hernia incision hurt?

Injury to skin, muscles and nerves during the operation are common causes of postoperative abdominal pain after hernia mesh surgery. The length and extent of the surgery may make the pain more intense.

How do you relieve inguinal hernia pain?

Over-the-counter pain medications can relieve discomfort associated with an inguinal hernia. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen, or naproxen can be taken, depending on individual preference. 3. Call as soon as possible for a follow-up appointment with your personal/referral surgeon.

How long will my balls hurt after hernia surgery?

Because gravity pulls down on the normal fluid that the body creates, many people feel like their testicles are swollen and sore after hernia surgery. Since normal swelling after hernia surgery is part of the healing process, the body can take three to six months to get rid of the swelling.

Is it OK to sleep on your side after inguinal hernia surgery?

Nevertheless, if your doctor determines it is safe for you to sleep on your side, you may do so as long as you have a support mechanism tucked between your knees or ankles. A support “mechanism” can be as simple as one or two plush pillows or a specially designed foam block.

What helps with pain after hernia surgery?

Chronic postoperative hernia pain is usually treated conservatively with over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil (ibuprofen) or Aleve (naproxen). Time and exercise are usually the best way to overcome pain of this sort.