How long does it take to recover from lower jaw surgery?

Initial jaw healing typically takes about six weeks after surgery, but complete healing can take up to 12 weeks. After initial jaw healing — at about six weeks — your orthodontist finishes aligning your teeth with braces.

How long does your jaw stay swollen after jaw surgery?

You must anticipate a large degree of swelling over your cheek area as well as down into your neck. The swelling is maximal at Day 4 and will slowly subside after 2 weeks. There is still about 10 to 20% of swelling that can maintain up to 2 months after surgery.

How long until feeling comes back after jaw surgery?

Sensation is expected to return 2-6 months after surgery. A numb feeling in the upper gums and roof of your mouth may persist after surgery. Numbness of the lower lip and chin is also expected after lower jaw surgery.

How can I recover from jaw surgery fast?

5 Tips to Speed Your Recovery After Jaw Surgery

  1. Drink your meals.
  2. Add easy-to-chew foods.
  3. Keep pain under control.
  4. Take care of your lips.
  5. Give yourself the recovery time you need.

Can you yawn after jaw surgery?

The mandible is the moving jaw and therefore discomfort is precipitated with increasing movement, such as chewing, yawning, and talking. Reduction and/or modification of these activities for the first few weeks following surgery alleviates the discomfort, as will the use of the pain medication and ice applications.

Can you sneeze after jaw surgery?

If an upper jaw surgery is performed, you will need to be on sinus precautions. This entails not blowing your nose for 2 weeks. Try not to sneeze for 2 weeks. If you do sneeze, do it with your mouth open to equalize the pressure between your mouth and the sinus.

How do you sleep after jaw surgery?

Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows or in a comfortable recliner chair for the first week following surgery. Numbness in the lower jaw and chin will occur after a lower jaw fracture or surgery and in the upper jaw and along the nose and lip following an upper jaw fracture or surgery.

Can I use a straw after jaw surgery?

Numbness, facial swelling and soreness can make eating and drinking a difficult task at first. No straws, spitting, smoking, or carbonated beverages for 3 weeks after surgery. No abrasive foods such as popcorn, chips, seeds or nuts.

Are screws removed after jaw surgery?

Loose bone screws: Generally, bone screws do not come loose. If this does occur, the problem is treated by removing the screws after the bone has healed. Patients may require further surgery to remove wires, pins, screws, plates or splints.

Does lower jaw surgery change face?

In some cases treatment is planned to improve your bite, with minimal change to your facial appearance, whilst in other cases, there will be more noticeable change to your facial appearance (for example if you have a prominent lower jaw, or a small setback lower jaw).

Does your nose change after jaw surgery?

In contrast, mandibular orthognathic surgery does not directly change the nasal structure, although a relative change may occur due to the new relationship between the chin and the nose, making it appear larger or smaller in comparison.