How long does it take to get CCDW in KY?

The application will be sent to the Kentucky State Police within five working days.

What states recognize Ky CCDW?

State Responses on Reciprocity

State Responses on Reciprocity YES Recognize Kentucky CCDW NO Does not recognize Kentucky CCDW OTHER Other: Contact State in regard to CCDW reciprocity.
Alaska YES Alabama
South Carolina YES South Dakota
Tennessee YES Texas
US Virgin Islands OTHER Utah

Can you get your CCDW Online in Kentucky?

They may apply online at, click CCDW Online and follow the prompts. $50 will be paid online via debit or credit card and $20 to the sheriff’s office when the permit is picked up after background checks are completed.

Is Ky CCDW good in Florida?

Florida recognizes concealed carry licenses and permits from the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North …

What is CCDW in English?

Acronym. Definition. CCDW. Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons. Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.

What does CCDW stand for?

Conceal and Carry Deadly Weapons. Governmental » Military. Rate it: CCDW. Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon.

Does Ky have the Castle Doctrine?

The Castle Doctrine is a state law giving Kentuckians the right to use deadly force to protect themselves, other people, and their property.

Does Virginia recognize Ky CCDW?

Virginia will no longer recognize concealed handgun permits from more than two dozen states including Kentucky which have less stringent laws.

Can you carry a concealed gun in Canada?

Handguns can’t be carried out of the home, either concealed or openly, except with a specific license, which is usually only given to people who need guns for work. Licenses require training in gun safety and an extensive background check. Guns have to be kept locked and unloaded.

How do I get a ccdw license in Kentucky?

DOCJT prepares trainers and instructors who teach CCDW courses across the commonwealth and provides applicants proof of training through certification before obtaining their permit through the licensing agency, Kentucky State Police. Select an instructor or trainer from DOCJT’s list, which is organized by county, and enroll in a course.

How long is a ccdw permit good for in Kentucky?

Applicants should bring the notification with them to retrieve their permit, which is good for five years. If CCDW license holder remains in the same residence, they will receive renewal notification from KSP Permit Office. License holders should advise KSP CCDW Permit Office of any address changes.

How many ccdw trainers are there in the US?

DOCJT maintains a list of approximately 1,700 trainers and instructors with active CCDW licenses. Trainers may teach instructors as well as applicant classes, while instructors may only teach applicant classes.

How long does it take to get ccdw certification?

After the course is complete, the instructor will mail the applicant’s application form and test answer sheet to DOCJT’s CCDW office within five business days. DOCJT will process the application and send the applicant a “Certificate of Completion of Training” within 15 business days if they passed the course.