How long does it take to complete Metal Gear Solid 3?

Read More. When focusing on the main objectives, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is about 16 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 24 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many endings are in mgs3?

four possible outcomes
There are four possible outcomes for this deadly game to have, but it matters not. All of them end with Ocelot describing his hard-earned respect for Snake and asking for his name.

Where do I go after the end mgs3?

After The End fades back into the forest, a new area will open that will be marked on Snake’s map. He enters a tunnel with a ladder at the end of it. Turn and face the entrance before climbing the ladder to find another of the Collectible frogs. At the top of the ladder there is some Serum and a Smoke Grenade.

How do you climb trees in Metal Gear Solid 3?

Straight ahead is a large tree with a cross hatched patter on it. This indicates that snake can climb the tree by pressing TRIANGLE.

What is the longest cutscene in a video game?

Metal Gear Solid 4
“Metal Gear Solid 4 holds the Guinness World Record for ‘Longest Cutscene in a Video Game’, at 71 min.” That one was a throat-scorcher.

Should you play ground zeroes before phantom pain?

If you allready got the game for free no less (Ground Zero), YES ABSOLUTLY! Atleast the Main story, Only takes anything from 30 min to 2h depending on how you play, And it unlocks some small benifits in the main game.

What happens if you lose to the end mgs3?

The End is one of only two bosses in Metal Gear Solid 3 where the player will not receive his camouflage if he is defeated non-lethally (the other is The Sorrow). They will instead receive The End’s Mosin-Nagant, which will be located near Snake in Sokrovenno North.

Where is the sniper rifle in mgs3?

the Western Wilderness
An SVD is located in the Western Wilderness behind a wall in the prison cell that ex-GRU major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov was placed in. Adopted as the official sniper rifle of the Red Army in 1963, the SVD differs from the Mosin Nagant in that it uses a gas-operated mechanism for automatic fire.

Which game has the best storyline?

The 15 Greatest Video Game Narratives, Ranked

  • 8 The Wolf Among Us (2013)
  • 7 Undertale (2015)
  • 6 Heavy Rain (2010)
  • 5 Spider-Man (2018)
  • 4 The Last Of Us (2013)
  • 3 Uncharted: A Thief’s End (2016)
  • 2 God Of War (2018)
  • 1 Red Dead Redemption II (2018)

What is the new game in Metal Gear Solid 3?

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is the latest stealth action game from acclaimed Konami designer Hideo Kojima. Snake Eater features a new Cold War setting and several new gameplay features, including wearing face paint and camouflage, hunting for food to replenish stamina, and curing serious injuries with medicine or surgery.

Is there a walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater?

This is a full walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The walkthrough is split into several sections, as shown below. These can be accessed from this main page, and the pages before and after them.

What are the difficulty levels for MGS3?

The difficulty levels are: Extreme (Only available after completing the game once or in Subsistence by selecting I like MGS3!) European Extreme (Only available after completing the game once or in Subsistence by selecting I like MGS3!) Choosing “Load Game” from the main menu will allow you to continue saved games from where you last left off.

How do I save the game in MGs?

The radio is also used to save the game. As with all the MGS games, the frequency for saving data is 140.96, which will patch Snake directly through to Para-Medic . The “Survival Viewer” is the pause menu of the game, accessed with the START button. Inside it, there are six options: