How long does it take to become a blue belt BJJ?

You have to show proficiency in a number of basic techniques and train a certain amount of time. The average person can usually obtain a BJJ blue belt after 2-3 years of training Jiu Jitsu. Each BJJ school has different requirements and you have to prove to your coach that you’re ready for a blue.

What is BJJ blue belt equivalent to?

black belt
More than one martial artist has said that in their opinion, a blue belt in bjj is the equivalent to a black belt in many other martial arts. Whether you agree or disagree with this, the fact remains it is a major goal for most who start training bjj.

What are the requirements for a blue belt in BJJ?

To achieve a Blue belt one of the prerequisite components is to be able to escape from every major position like the mount, side control, guard and back control. A student must be able to have a go to escape from each position and a reasonable guard break, or at the very least have good submission defense.

Is there a blue belt test BJJ?

All a student needs to do is attend a specific number of classes per week on average, for a specific period of time (for blue belt it’s usually 12 months), and they are automatically queued to receive their belt at the next grading.

How tough is a BJJ blue belt?

BJJ blue belts are extremely tough because they will have spent 1-2 years mastering unpleasant defensive positions. The longer you train difficult positions as a white belt, the tougher you’ll be as a blue belt. Being difficult to submit is the best foundation to start building your attacks.

What is the hardest belt to get in BJJ?

Simple answer: black belt. Because you need to get all the other belts before this, the black belt is logically the hardest belt to get in BJJ.

Can blue belts heel hook?

Heel hooks and reaps will remain illegal for masters competitors and for purple, blue and white belts.