How long does it take for Razorscale to enrage?

Razorscale gains the Berserk buff at the 8 minute mark. We killed her after a few attempts last night, and on two of those attempts we hit the berserk. as noted below Blizzard have now hotfixed this to a 10 minute enrage.

How do you get Razorscale down?

Ground phase. Once all four turrets have been repaired and fired, Razorscale will be forced to the ground where she will remain stunned for several seconds. Everyone should immediately move behind her, and DPS should focus on bringing her HP down as much as possible while the tanks hold any remaining adds.

How do you play Dark Iron as a dwarf?

To unlock the Dark Iron Dwarves Allied Race you have to earn the Ready for War achievement by completing the Alliance War Campaign. After you’ve done that, the Recruitment Scenario for the Dark Iron Dwarves becomes available in the Stormwind Embassy.

How do you get Lose Your Illusion achievement?

Lose Your Illusion is a dungeon & raids achievement earned for defeating Thorim while Sif is present.

How do you get dark iron dwarves?

The process of unlocking Dark Iron Dwarves has 2 major requirements — completion of the first part of the Alliance War Campaign and a short recruitment quest chain. Beginning the war campaign requires a level 35+ Alliance character; however, later chapters are gated behind a level 50 requirement.

How do you get the Razorscale achievement?

As long as you kill the Dark Rune Guardians within a half a second or so as Razorscale casts his flame breath you get the credit for the achievement.

What is the best class for dark iron dwarf?

Warrior, mage, warlock, or shaman. Hunter works pretty well as well.

Are dark iron dwarves worth it?

Both are good. Dark Iron is a bit better for damage, but all dwarves are great. Dark irons have a small dps cooldown that removes, poisons, disease, magic,bleed, and curses and stacks depending on how many are removed.

How do you get the heartbreaker achievement?

You need to kill it on the first heart phase or else his health will be too low to finish the achievement in subsequent heart phases phases triggered at 50% and 25% boss health. Once the heart is dead, he’ll return to full health and you can kill him normally and get the achievement.