How long does it take for green star polyp to grow?

Because of the fast growth rate of green star polyps, make sure there is a barrier of some type between the colony and anything you do not wish to have your corals grow over. Well maintained and fed GSP can spread up to an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) each month.

How much light do green star polyps need?

Fluorescent Green Star Polyps require moderate water flow and moderate lighting (PAR 130-250) to maintain their color. T5’s, Metal Halides, or LED’s can all grow Green Star Polyps when the proper PAR levels are provided. We recommend a 14-20K color spectrum for best coloration.

Do I need to feed green star polyps?

The polyps are very hardy and really low maintenance. You do not even have to worry about feeding them because they already come with what they need to feed themselves. The polyps also easily decorate a tank by their spreading and only require a little light to photosynthesize.

Do green star polyps grow fast?

The Green Star Polyp (GSP) is an excellent beginner soft coral and may work best as an ideal first coral choice because they’re: hardy, fast-growing and can be kept in a variety of locations in your tank.

How long does it take for GSP to grow?

The “average” time is two years. However some grow super slow, not at all, moderately, and some grow super fast. Sometimes you can tell by their spots. Irregular spot or saba looking gsps tend to grow fast.

How fast do polyps coral grow?

1 inch per month is decent growth rate also.

How long can GSP be out of water?

I’ve taken GSP out of water for over 30 minutes with no ill effect. Once back in the water, it took awhile for it to completely open, but some polyps were out within 15 minutes. I try to keep it under 30 minutes, but they should be able to stay out of water for at least a couple hours without any real problems.

How do green star polyps grow on glass?

You can super glue it to coralline on the glass. Glue won’t hold directly on glass. It will eventually reach the bottom of the glass where it will then proceed to grow sneakily through the substrate and silently pop up on the rock work where you can’t see it.

Why arent my corals growing?

If corals in a reef tank are not growing, the aquarium may be lacking light in the correct wavelengths and power, flow may be too low to remove pollutants from their bodies, water parameters are not stable enough, or there may be pests irritating them.