How long does it take for actinic keratosis to go away after freezing?

The treated region will take around seven to ten days to heal. Cryosurgery rarely causes serious side-effects and does not typically leave behind a scar. It may cause discoloration in the treated site, and this may improve over several months or may be permanent.

What do you put on skin after liquid nitrogen treatment?

It is ok to bathe normally after your treatment. Gently clean the area in the shower or bath with warm water and mild soap, then pat dry. Apply Vaseline or Aquaphor to the area 1-2x daily. You do not have to keep the area covered with a Band-Aid, but certainly can if you prefer.

Does actinic keratosis come back after cryotherapy?

Does actinic keratosis return after treatment? In some cases, actinic keratosis can return if you do not prevent further sun damage. During and after treatment, limit your exposure to UV light.

What is the most effective treatment for actinic keratosis?

Actinic keratoses can be removed by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. Your doctor applies the substance to the affected skin, which causes blistering or peeling. As your skin heals, the damaged cells slough off, allowing new skin to appear. Cryotherapy is the most common treatment.

What does the skin look like after cryosurgery?

After Cryotherapy The treated area will become red soon after your procedure. It also may blister and swell. If this happens, don’t break open the blister. You may also see clear drainage on the treated area.

Can you scratch off actinic keratosis?

On occasion, an actinic keratosis will disappear on its own, but it will return when the skin is exposed to the sun again. If you scratch a lesion off, it will grow back. If treated early enough, an actinic keratosis can be removed before it becomes cancerous.

How painful is liquid nitrogen?

The liquid nitrogen is so cold it actually stings like frostbite or feels like an ice cube stuck to your skin. As the skin thaws, it may feel hot or burning.

Can liquid nitrogen damage skin?

1. Liquid nitrogen has a boiling temperature of -196°C at atmospheric pressure. Direct contact can freeze the skin causing frostbite and cold burns. Delicate tissue, such as eyes, can be damaged by an exposure to the cold gas alone which would be too brief to affect skin.