How long does it take for a child to recover from tonsil surgery?

Your child may not feel like doing very much for up to 10 days after their surgery. Many children need two weeks home from school or kindergarten. The amount of usual activity your child participates in should be guided by how they feel. It usually takes three weeks before healing is complete.

How long is child in pain after tonsillectomy?

Your child may have a sore throat, neck and/or ear pain for 2-3 weeks after surgery. The pain may be the worst for 3-4 days after surgery. One to two weeks after surgery, pain may worsen because the scabs are falling off. It is important to control your child’s pain after surgery.

What to expect after child has tonsils removed?

Your child may have bad breath, “stuffy nose” and drainage for 7 to 10 days after surgery. This is normal and will go away as he or she heals. Your child may have ear pain up to a week after surgery and it may be worse at night. This is normal and is coming from the tonsil area.

What day is worse after tonsillectomy?

Throat pain builds up for the first few days and is usually at its the worst around the fifth day after surgery. Pain and discomfort will usually then ease until the seventh or ninth day after surgery when some of the scab covering the tonsillectomy site falls off.

What is the fastest way to recover from a tonsillectomy?

Chewing sugarless gum may help speed recovery after surgery. Significant rest is imperative for at least the first 48 hours after a tonsillectomy, and all normal activities should be limited. Activity can then increase slowly and gradually.

Can my child use a straw after tonsillectomy?

Your child should not drink through a straw after surgery until his throat is completely healed. Using a straw may increase the risk of bleeding. Give frequent small feedings of soft foods and cool liquids. They usually are most comfortable for your child.

Can child brush teeth after tonsillectomy?

Looking after your mouth and throat You can brush your teeth after the first night. You may have bad smelling breath as you heal. Avoid mouthwash for 1 week.

Are there stitches in tonsillectomy?

The surgeon will place a small tool into your child’s mouth to hold it open. The surgeon then cuts, burns, or shaves away the tonsils. The wounds heal naturally without stitches.