How long do you need to live in UK to get citizenship?

five years
British citizenship by naturalization/residence You can apply for UK citizenship by naturalization after five years of residence in the UK, as long as this includes at least 12 months of either indefinite leave or EU settled status.

What are the requirements for citizenship in the UK?

There are 5 basic requirements to apply for British citizenship through naturalisation that most candidates must meet.

  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Be of “good character”.
  • Be currently living in the UK.
  • Meet the English language requirements.
  • Pass the “Life in the UK” test.

Can I apply for British citizenship with permanent residence card?

You cannot apply for citizenship with permanent residence status. Permanent residence status is no longer valid. If you had permanent residence status, you cannot use it to apply for citizenship.

Do I need a BRP to apply for citizenship?

You will need the following: Proof that you are settled in the UK: in most cases, for at least the past 12 months: e.g. biometric residence permit (BRP), settled status letter under the EUSS scheme, permanent residence card or letter confirming when you obtained permanent residence.

What is the benefit of UK citizenship?

Benefits of citizenship the right to live in the UK forever – your status will be permanently settled. the right to hold a British passport. full civic rights – this includes the right to vote in elections and the right to stand for public office. free NHS medical care.

Is it easy to get British citizenship?

There is a requirement that you have to have been lawfully resident in the UK for either three or five years, depending on your route to British Citizenship. In addition to the residence requirement you also need to be of ‘good character’ and that is why it’s got harder for EU nationals to become British.

How much does a UK citizenship cost?

The Home Office fee for naturalisation is £1,330 (including the £80 itizenship fee). The biometric enrolment fee is £19.20. The Home Office fee for adult registration is £1,206 (including the £80 Citizenship fee). The biometric enrolment fee is £19.20.

How do I prove my 5 year residence for UK citizenship?

If you want to prove you’ve lived in the UK for a different 5 years

  1. tax documents – for example your P60 or P45.
  2. a letter from your employer confirming your employment.
  3. pension statements showing your employer’s pension contributions.
  4. council tax bills.
  5. mortgage statements for a house or flat.

Is permanent residence the same as citizenship UK?

Permanent residence refers to your residence status and does not affect your citizenship. If you apply for UK permanent residence as the citizen a non-UK country, then you retain that country’s citizenship. You do not become a UK citizen through permanent residence.

How do I prove my 5 year residency for UK citizenship?