How long do UCAS references need to be?

Guidelines. You can use up to 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines) – whichever comes first. If you’re writing a reference for an international applicant, please write in English.

How long is an academic reference?

The document should be 300-400 words long and should present your character, accomplishments and abilities from an objective perspective. A “letter of reference” is often given directly to you by the referee and you can keep it for future use.

How many UCAS references do I need?

one reference
Only one reference is required on the UCAS Undergraduate application. If you want your uni or college to see more than one, you’ll need to contact them and ask if an additional reference can be sent directly.

How long should references be?

Length: A letter of recommendation should be more than one or two paragraphs; a letter this short suggests you either do not know the person well or do not fully endorse them. However, you want to keep the letter concise and focus on a few key points, so avoid writing more than one page.

What makes a good UCAS reference?

Like your student’s personal statement, the UCAS reference needs to make a coherent argument about why you feel a student’s aptitudes, skills and experiences mean they are suited to this particular university course. This means that you should illustrate examples to back up your reference.

Is UCAS 4000 characters with or without spaces?

UCAS Personal Statement Word Count. For 2020 the UCAS personal statement word limit is 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines).

Can a recommendation letter be 2 pages?

A letter of recommendation can be the difference between someone getting the job they want and someone else getting the job. A recommendation should be at least one page, but not more than two. If it’s shorter than one, the applicant may appear weak.

How long should teacher recommendations be?

It should take no more than five minutes to evaluate the two letters of recommendation. The letter should be between 400 and 500 words, and help the admissions officer quickly assess the applicant. In other words, the letter should never be one, long, block paragraph.