How long do plants last in AeroGarden?

AeroGarden plants last for 3 months on average. Flowers and herbs go a little longer, and lettuce lasts a little less. Fruiting vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers, can live up to 9 months long. Good care and a fresh hydroponic solution will help the plants live a long time.

How often should you change the water in AeroGarden?

We recommend emptying the water from the bowl and refilling it with fresh water and Liquid Plant Food every 4-6 weeks to keep your plants healthy.

How do I refresh my AeroGarden?

To hard reset your AeroGarden’s settings and timers for when you have a new garden of crops to grow, follow these easy steps.

  1. Make sure your ‘Add Plant Food’ alert is Off.
  2. Press and hold the ‘Light On/Off’ button for about 10 seconds.
  3. The ‘Add Plant Food’ light will blink 3 times when the AeroGarden is reset.

How do I stop root rot in AeroGarden?

To prevent root rot try the following steps to promote garden health: Rinse and Refill the water bowl. This is good to do at-least once a month to replace old water filled with excess minerals left over from the liquid nutrients that the plants did not absorb.

Do you have to transplant AeroGarden plants?

Aerogarden plants and herbs must get used to their new environment gradually once they are replanted into pots, so don’t plant them directly into the ground outdoors. To get started, you will need a 3- to 4-inch pot; increase this size if the plant is larger.

Should I trim AeroGarden roots?

We recommend trimming your AeroGarden roots for the first time after about 4 weeks. This gives your plants plenty of time to establish a healthy and stable root system. When you trim your roots for the first time, simply raise the AeroGarden lamp hood, and lift up the front flap on the water reservoir.

What happens when AeroGarden runs out of water?

The pump will stop working and the LED light will turn OFF if the bowl runs out of water. This will alert you that the Sprout needs water. Turning off the lights also will slow the plants’ water intake for a short period of time, so plants can survive for a little while without water.

Should you trim AeroGarden roots?

How often should you clean AeroGarden?

At a minimum, you should clean your AeroGarden every time you plant new pods. In addition to cleaning in between plantings, you should also replace the water every 4-6 weeks. You don’t have to do a full sanitizing like described above. Just empty the reservoir, rinse out the bowl and fill it with clean water.

How often do you feed AeroGarden?

Three-pod AeroGardens require 4ml of nutrients (about one cap-full) every two weeks to ensure proper plant growth. Six and seven-pod AeroGardens growing herbs, flowers, salad greens or Mini Cherry tomatoes require 8ml of nutrients (about 2 cap-fulls) every two weeks.

Why are my hydroponic roots Brown?

A: If your hydroponic plant roots are turning a dark brown or black, the plant is probably suffering from root rot, a condition that will kill it as it suffocates due to the roots. Root rot is caused by the build-up of bacteria, fungi, and mold on roots that lack proper oxygenation.

Can I transfer plants from AeroGarden to soil?

The best time to make the move from an AeroGarden seed starting system to soil is when the seedling grows its first set of true leaves. At this stage, roots have penetrated the grow sponges, but they are not yet long and entangled with one another.