How long do neon tubes last?
How long do neon tubes last?
Typically, neon signs will last around 10 years if they are kept in good condition and made with durable and high-quality neon tubes. However, several components make up a neon sign, and each can suffer damage.
Are neon tubes glass?
A neon tube is a sealed glass tube with a metal electrode at each end, filled with one of a number of gases at low pressure. A high potential of several thousand volts applied to the electrodes ionizes the gas in the tube, causing it to emit colored light. The color of the light depends on the gas in the tube.
What is the difference between LED neon and glass neon?
LED neon is more energy-efficient, with an input voltage of 24V/120V, compared to glass neon signs, which use 3KV-18KV. The lower voltage equates to better safety, reduced energy consumption, and cost savings. Traditional glass neon signs are more cumbersome and, due to their fragility, more challenging to install.
Can neon tubes be repaired?
Although neon tubing is touted for being a budget-friendly and durable option for many businesses, it does have some drawbacks. Not all neon signs are made according to the same standard! The good news is that most neon signs can be repaired, but they have to meet certain criteria first.
Do neon tubes get hot?
Real neon lights are gas discharge lamps that produce very little excess heat. Your neon light will not feel hot to touch no matter how long you leave it on for.
Does glass neon get hot?
5) Myth: Neon tubes get very hot. Fact: Absolutely not true! They may get slightly warm to the touch but would not burn you. If a neon sign has been manufactured correctly, and supplied with the correct size of transformer for the amount of neon tubes, then the tubes should not get hot.
Why is neon so expensive?
Using glass tubing and neon gas, making a neon sign takes a lot of expertise to master. It can take years to build up the necessary training and skills to make neon signs to a high standard. The same cannot be said for many LED signs, for which only a small amount of training is required.
What happens if a neon light breaks?
Once a neon light breaks or cracks, the neon gas immediately escapes and there is no gas remaining. Please dispose of the remaining pieces as there is no way to repair broken/cracked glass once the gas escapes. For more information on how neon lights are made, see our article on Real Neon.