How long do Liatris last in a vase?

Common Names: Liatris, gay feather, purple poker, blazing star. Vase Life: 7-10 days. Description: Long straight stems topped with a single straight spike clustered with tiny florets.

How many Liatris are in a bunch?

10 stems
If your event is Saturday suggested delivery date is Thursday. Each stem features a cluster of blooms on its upper portion. Liatris is shipped with 10 stems per bunch.

Is Liatris a filler flower?

An unusual feature of Liatris is that its flowers bloom from the top down, not the bottom up, unlike other spike-type varieties. Its flowers are also quite wispy, creating that fuzzy, feathery appeal that makes Liatris work so well as a filler flower.

Is Liatris a line flower?

This species is an herbaceous perennial that forms underground storage structures known as corms (often commercially referred to as tubers). Liatris have linear or lanceolate leaves and flower spikes (racemose inflorescences) that range from 12 to 36 inches in length.

What colors do Liatris come in?

Liatris can be an eye-catching addition to flower gardens. Their stately, wand-like flowers bloom in mid to late summer. Flower color is typically amethyst-purple, though there are also cultivars with pink or white flowers.

Is Liatris a good cut flower?

Liatris flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies. The flowers are very attractive to butterflies, bees, and other insects. They also make great cut flowers, both fresh and dried. For dried flowers, harvest the spikes when one-half to two-thirds of the flowers are open.

Do Liatris make good cut flowers?

How do you keep Liatris blooming?

To encourage a second bloom, remove the spikes after 70 percent of the flowers have opened. Use a pair of pruning shears and cut the spikes all the way down to the basal foliage (the clump of grassy leaves at the bottom of the plant).

Is Liatris cut and come again?

When to Plant: Liatris corms are planted in spring, when the weather is cool and it’s easy for the young plants to get established. Flowers usually appear the first year, approximately 70 to 90 days after planting, and the plants will return to bloom again for many years to come.

Do hummingbirds like Liatris?

There are many great perennials that will keep your hummingbirds happy. Choose a hosta with beautiful flowers, like the sweet-smelling Hosta plantaginea. Or try one of the long bloomers like lupine and liatris.