How is Vidaza administered?
How is Vidaza administered?
Method of administration Reconstituted Vidaza should be injected subcutaneously into the upper arm, thigh or abdomen. Injection sites should be rotated. New injections should be given at least 2.5 cm from the previous site and never into areas where the site is tender, bruised, red, or hardened.
Is azacitidine a Vesicant?
NON-VESICANT Contraindicated in the presence of advanced malignant hepatic tumors.
How long does it take for Vidaza to start working?
VIDAZA is not a one-time treatment. Treatment cycles are given every 28 days for as long as your doctor recommends them. It may take several cycles (about 4 to 6 months) for your doctor to notice a difference. If you stop receiving treatment, your symptoms may return.
How do you administer azacitidine?
Azacitidine comes as a powder to be mixed with water and injected subcutaneously (under the skin) or intravenously (into a vein) by a doctor or nurse in a medical office or hospital outpatient department. It is usually injected once a day for 7 days.
What is the nadir for Vidaza?
The following side effects are common (occurring in greater than 30%) for patients taking azacitadine: Low blood counts (low white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells) Nadir: meaning low point, nadir is the point in time between chemotherapy cycles in which you experience low blood counts. Nadir: 10-17 days.
Does MDS ever go into remission?
Patients who get the higher-dose treatment are more likely to have their MDS go into remission, but they can also have more severe, even life-threatening side effects, so this treatment is typically given in the hospital. Still, this treatment may be an option for some patients with advanced MDS.
Is MDS always fatal?
MDS is a potentially fatal disease; the common causes of death in a cohort of 216 MDS patients included bone marrow failure (infection/hemorrhage) and transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Can suspensions be given subcutaneously?
Subcutaneous injections are usually aqueous solutions or suspensions administered in small volumes of 2mL or less. They are generally given in the forearm, upper arm, thigh, or abdomen. The site should be rotated if frequent injections are to be given, to reduce tissue irritation.
When does chemotherapy nadir occur?
Severe medullary aplasia in patients after receiving a chemotherapy cycle. It occurs at 7-14 days after undergoing a cycle due to cessation of normal production of blood cells (WBC, platelets, etc.), which increases the bleeding and/or infection risk.