How is triticale produced?

It is produced by doubling the chromosomes of the sterile hybrid that results when crossing wheat and rye. This doubling produces what is called a polyploid. Hybrids between wheat and rye date back to 1875, but until recently there was little effort to develop highyielding triticales as a field crop.

What is triticale yield per acre?

Triticale (pronounced: trit-ah-kay-lee) is a hybrid cereal grain produced when durum wheat is pollinated with rye pollen. Approximately 11,500 to 13,000 seeds per pound • No official bushel weight exists for triticale. 52 – 56 pounds per bushel is average. Triticale can yield 30 – 80 bushels/acre.

How long does triticale take to grow?

Triticale can produce good dry matter yields within 60 to 80 days after planting. When planted the first two weeks of August and with adequate rainfall, spring triticale can produce from 2,500 to 5,000 pounds per acre of dry matter by mid-October.

How many tons of triticale is an acre?

The average yield of wheat silage in the Southern Great Plains is about 10 ton per acre. Triticale averages about 15 tons/a., while corn is at 25 tons/a..

What is the average yield of triticale?

Triticale silage yield The dry silage yield of triticale averaged 14,324 kg/ha (minimum 12,812 kg/ha; maximum 16,137 kg/ha. This converts to 12,758 lbs/ac (min.

Is triticale good for cattle?

Triticale is a highly versatile forage for grazing, silage, balage, and boot-stage hay. Triticale is a cross between wheat and rye. It is excellent forage for dairy cows at the boot-stage and for beef cows and dairy heifers at the soft dough stage.

Does triticale grow back?

Subject: RE: how much will triticale regrow? You can get a second cutting, the earlier you cut, the more regrowth you get. I let some go to head last year, but cut before the grain started to fill.

What does a bushel of triticale weigh?

A good triticale harvest may yield 2500-3000 lbs per acre, with a variable test weight of about 45-55 lbs per bushel (the official test weight is 50 lbs per bushel).

Does triticale make good silage?

“Triticale silage is a good alternative to wheat silage,” says Bean. “In research conducted at one regional dairy with triticale and wheat under full irrigation, the triticale silage yielded 16 tons per acre. That compared to 13.1 tons per acre for wheat silage.”

Can you cut triticale twice?