How is Robert spelled in French?


Pronunciation English: /ˈrɒbərt/ French: [ʁɔbɛʁ] German: [ˈʁoːbɛʁt] Czech: [ˈrobɛrt] Slovak: [ˈrɔ(ː)bert] Serbo-Croatian: [rǒbert] Armenian: [rɔbɛɾt]
Gender Male
Word/name Indo-European Germanic
Meaning “fame-bright”, “glory-bright”, “shining with glory”

How is 6 Spelt French?

Zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.

How do u spell Robert?

Correct pronunciation for the word “robert” is [ɹˈɒbət], [ɹˈɒbət], [ɹ_ˈɒ_b_ə_t].

What name is short for Robert?

The nicknames Rob and Robby are more commonly used by people who are named Robert.

How do French Write numbers?

French Numbers 1 to 100

  • 0 — zero.
  • 1 — un.
  • 2 — deux.
  • 3 — trois.
  • 4 — quatre.
  • 5 — cinq.
  • 6 — six.
  • 7 — sept.

What number is Quinze in French?

French Numbers 1-100: How to Count to 100 in French

1-10 11-20 71-80
5 cinq 15 quinze 75 soixante-quinze
6 six 16 seize 76 soixante-seize
7 sept 17 dix-sept 77 soixante-dix-sept
8 huit 18 dix-huit 78 soixante-dix-huit

How do you say six and Dix in French?

“Dix” and “Six” are pronounced with the “s” sound at the end :

  1. If they’re used alone (for example, during a countdown).
  2. If they’re placed at the end of a phrase (“Des livres? J’en ai dix !”).
  3. If they’re placed before a word starting with a vowel (“Il y a six arbres dans son jardin”).

What are nicknames for Robert?

Common nicknames for Robert have been used for ages in their own creative forms and compliment your baby boy….Variations of Robert.

Robbert (Dutch) Robban (Swedish)
Roberto (Italian) Rhobert (Welsh)
Betinho (Portuguese) Raibeart (Scottish)
Riobard (Irish) Rupert (Dutch)

What is the German name for Robert?

Reinforced since the 18th century by French Robert. Other (chiefly southern) German forms are Rupert and Ruprecht.