How is Madame Defarge characterized?

At times, she is depicted in a positive light: as a wife to Monsieur Defarge, as a leader in the French Revolution, and as a champion of justice for her sister’s death. At the same time she is depicted as an evil woman who becomes giddy at the chance to murder, which makes her appear bloodthirsty and vengeful.

What is the significance of Madame Defarge knitting?

Madame Defarge’s Knitting But on a metaphoric level, the knitting constitutes a symbol in itself, representing the stealthy, cold-blooded vengefulness of the revolutionaries. As Madame Defarge sits quietly knitting, she appears harmless and quaint. In fact, however, she sentences her victims to death.

Who is Monsieur Madame Defarge?

Monsieur Ernest Defarge is a morally ambiguous Revolutionary character who often functions as a foil to his more bloodthirsty wife, Madame Defarge. Like Madame and many of the other French revolutionaries, Ernest Defarge has good reasons to despise the aristocracy.

Why is Madame Defarge evil?

The antagonist in Charles Dickens’s novel, A Tale of Two Cities, is named Madame Defarge, who is a bitter knitter and wine shop owner. She is bent on seeking revenge for her family by killing all members of the Evremonde family.

What is the meaning of the rose Madame Defarge wears in her head dress?

Answers 1. The rose was a symbol, a sign of sorts…. it meant that those present in the shop needed to leave. It was curious. The moment Madame Defarge took up the rose, the customers ceased talking, and began gradually to drop out of the wine-shop.

Who raped Madame Defarge’s sister?

the Marquis St. Evrémonde
You Mess With the Defarge, You Get the Horns Madame Defarge is one piece of work. If anyone has a right to be upset about the abuses that the aristocracy heaps upon the commoners, she’s the person. After all, her sister was raped by the Marquis St. Evrémonde.

Why does Madame Defarge want revenge?

Character Analysis Therese Defarge Because her entire family perished when she was a young girl, Madame Defarge wants revenge, not merely on the family that caused the evil but on the entire class from which it came.

What information does Defarge get from Jacques on the police force?

What information does Defarge get from Jacques on the police force? Where have you heard of this man before? The police tell Defarge that John Barsad, a spy is coming to visit his shop. He was one of the two spys (with Cly) who testified against Darnay in his treason trial.

What is Madame Defarge constantly doing with her hands?

By this time, we’re pretty accustomed to a description of her as the implacable wife of Ernest Defarge, the woman who never stops knitting. She runs a wine shop in Saint Antoine that just happens to be the hub of all revolutionary activity.

What is the true reason revealed about Madame Defarge’s constant knitting?

Significance of Knitting As Madame Defarge knits, she reminds herself of every aristocrat she wishes would die. Her knitting also reminds us of the Greek Fates in ancient Greek mythology, three old women who spin, measure, and then cut thread, which symbolized the creating and ending of a person’s lifespan.