How is Louisiana affected by climate change?

Life in Louisiana will only get wetter, hotter and more humid in the coming decades, according to the latest international warning on climate change. And the extreme weather will be more than just uncomfortable — it will be deadly, and already is.

How does coastal flooding affect the environment?

Environmental impacts Flooding can destroy coastal habitats such as coastal wetlands and estuaries and can erode dune systems. These places are characterized by their high biological diversity therefore coastal flooding can cause significant biodiversity loss and potentially species extinctions.

What aspect of climate change is affecting Louisiana the most?

Rising sea level and higher temperatures threaten Louisiana’s fisheries. Coastal wetlands account for most of the land that the state has been losing. Those wetlands support shrimp, oyster, crab, crawfish, menhaden, and other fisheries–about 75 percent of the state’s total commercial fisheries.

What is the environment like in Louisiana?

Louisiana’s climate is characterized by relatively short and mild winters, hot summers, and year-round precipitation. The Gulf of Mexico helps moderate the climate in the southern portion of the state, while temperatures and precipitation are more variable in the north.

Why is Louisiana prone to flooding?

New Orleans is a city more vulnerable than most when it comes to storm surges. There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is New Orleans’ low elevation in relation to sea level, the second reason is the lack of nature’s best defense against a storm surge; wetlands and barrier islands.

Will Louisiana be underwater?

The rate at which the coastline is diminishing is about thirty-four square miles per year, and if it continues another 700 square miles will be lost within the next forty years. This in turn means thirty-three miles of land will be underwater by 2040, including several towns and Louisiana’s largest city, New Orleans.

What are some environmental challenges that threaten the infrastructure of New Orleans?

Climate change and rising seas, land subsidence, poor air quality, coastal land loss, and aging water and energy infrastructure are some of the mounting physical stresses that make the city and its people only more vulnerable to extreme events like hurricanes and floods.

Will Louisiana be underwater in 50 years?

Louisiana has lost 2,000 square miles of land since the 1930’s, and this is still ongoing. As you are reading this, we are losing land. Therefore, by 2050, New Orleans will most likely be underwater.

What does Louisiana stand for?

You may know that Louisiana was named for French King Louis XIV. The territory was named in his honor by French explorer La Salle, who claimed the territory to the west of the Mississippi River in the 1680s for France.