How hot is Senegal in November?
How hot is Senegal in November?
Weather in November. The last month of the autumn, November, is also a moderately hot month in Dakar, Senegal, with temperature in the range of an average low of 26.4°C (79.5°F) and an average high of 28.1°C (82.6°F).
What is the Weather like in Senegal in April?
April Weather in Dakar Senegal. Daily high temperatures are around 78°F, rarely falling below 73°F or exceeding 83°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 78°F on April 8. Daily low temperatures are around 67°F, rarely falling below 64°F or exceeding 71°F.
What is the hottest month in Senegal?
The hottest month of the year in Dakar is October, with an average high of 88°F and low of 77°F. The cool season lasts for 4.5 months, from January 1 to May 16, with an average daily high temperature below 80°F.
What should I wear in Senegal?
- One pair of jeans, but because of the extreme heat, most prefer to wear khakis.
- Loose cotton tops—some sleeveless and some with sleeves to protect bare shoulders from sunburn.
- One or two light jackets or a few sweatshirts, sweaters, microfiber garments.
- Underwear—cotton is best.
- One or two pairs of shorts.
What is the coldest month in Senegal?
The cool season lasts for 4.5 months, from January 1 to May 16, with an average daily high temperature below 80°F. The coldest month of the year in Dakar is February, with an average low of 65°F and high of 78°F.
What is the coldest it gets in Senegal?
The coldest day in these 73 years was reported by the weather station Linguere. Here the temperature dropped to 1.4 °C in January 2019. Linguere lies at an altitude of 21 meters above sea level. The coldest winter (January to March) was in 1949 with an average temperature of 20.2 °C.
Is Senegal worth visiting?
With stunning beaches, unique art, good music, fascinating wildlife, and no shortage of World Heritage Sites, Senegal has quite a bit to offer travelers. So brush up on your French and read on to learn why you should consider visiting Senegal.
Do they speak English in Senegal?
Few locals speak English in Senegal. Instead, you’ll hear a mix of Wolof and French.
Is English spoken in Senegal?
In Senegal, English is taught as a second language. French is the official and colonial language used for administrative and academic purposes. However, there are several ethnic groups, therefore six different local languages are spoken in different parts of the country.