How hot is Melbourne in November?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 22°C in Melbourne in November, falling to 10°C at night.

What is the Weather like in November in Victoria?

You can expect very pleasant temperatures during the day. The average maximum daytime temperature lies around 23.0°C (73.4°F). If you enjoy looking at a blue sky and love the sun than this is a great time to go to Melbourne with 225 hours of sun. November is known as one of the best months to visit Melbourne.

Is it cold in Melbourne in November?

November Weather in Melbourne Australia. Daily high temperatures increase by 4°F, from 67°F to 72°F, rarely falling below 58°F or exceeding 86°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 3°F, from 50°F to 53°F, rarely falling below 43°F or exceeding 62°F.

What is the long range Weather forecast for Melbourne?

2 Week Extended Forecast in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Conditions Precipitation
Day Temperature Amount
Sat Jun 11 54 / 48 °F 0.01″
Sun Jun 12 52 / 46 °F 0.11″
Mon Jun 13 51 / 44 °F

How hot is it in Australia in November?

November Weather in Sydney Australia. Daily high temperatures increase by 3°F, from 74°F to 77°F, rarely falling below 65°F or exceeding 88°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 3°F, from 60°F to 63°F, rarely falling below 54°F or exceeding 69°F.

What season is November in Melbourne?

Autumn: March to May. Winter: June to August. Spring: September to November.

What is the weather in Melbourne in February?

The average temperature in Melbourne in February for a typical day ranges from a high of 80°F (27°C) and a low of 59°F (15°C). Some would describe it as mildly cool with a gentle breeze. For comparison, the hottest month in Melbourne, January, has days with highs of 82°F (28°C) and lows of 59°F (15°C).

Will it be a hot summer in Melbourne 2021?

Temperatures should remain warmer than normal in many regions, leading to a heightened risk of heatwaves, although the bushfire threat is well below ‘Black Summer’ levels of summer 2019/20….Severe Weather Outlook 2021/2022.

City Melbourne
Long Term Average 23.1C
Average Max Temp 2020/21 22.7C
Prediction for 2021/22 60 – 70% chance above median maximums

Which month is coldest in Melbourne?

June and July are the coldest months and October is the wettest. Annual average rainfall for Melbourne is around 649 mm. Visit the Australian Government’s official Bureau of Meteorology website for monthly temperature and rainfall averages across Victoria.