How hot is Haiti in July?
How hot is Haiti in July?
July Weather in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Daily high temperatures are around 93°F, rarely falling below 89°F or exceeding 97°F. Daily low temperatures are around 80°F, rarely falling below 77°F or exceeding 82°F.
What is the Weather in Haiti in May?
May Weather in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Daily high temperatures are around 91°F, rarely falling below 86°F or exceeding 94°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 90°F on May 26. Daily low temperatures are around 78°F, rarely falling below 75°F or exceeding 80°F.
How hot is Haiti in January?
January Weather in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Daily high temperatures are around 88°F, rarely falling below 86°F or exceeding 91°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 88°F on January 15. Daily low temperatures are around 73°F, rarely falling below 70°F or exceeding 76°F.
What is the average temperature in Haiti in April?
Daily high temperatures are around 91°F, rarely falling below 87°F or exceeding 94°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 91°F on April 21. Daily low temperatures are around 76°F, rarely falling below 73°F or exceeding 79°F.
What is the coldest month in Haiti?
The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (27.6°C).
- Average low temperature in January: 18.2°C.
- Average low temperature in February: 18.8°C.
- Average low temperature in March:
- Average low temperature in April: 19.9°C.
- Average low temperature in May: 20.6°C.
- Average low temperature in June: 20.9°C.
Does it rain alot in Haiti?
Average annual rainfall varies, from almost none in some areas to more than 50 inches in Port-au-Prince, the capital city that experienced some of the worst devastation from the earthquake. Haiti’s two rainy seasons are from April to June and from August to mid-November.
What is the hottest month in Haiti?
Based on weather reports collected during 2005–2015….
Quick Climate Info | |
Hottest Month | July (86 °F avg) |
Coldest Month | January (80 °F avg) |
Wettest Month | August (4.00″ avg) |
Windiest Month | July (12 mph avg) |
What’s the hottest temperature in Haiti?
Quick Climate Info | |
Hottest Month | July (86 °F avg) |
Coldest Month | January (80 °F avg) |
Wettest Month | August (4.00″ avg) |
Windiest Month | July (12 mph avg) |
What do they wear in Haiti?
Although traditional dress is still seen to celebrate national heritage, modern Haitians often prefer to imitate Western or European styles such as shorts and T-shirts. It is acceptable for women to wear pants, although many women still opt for skirts and dresses.
What is summer like in Haiti?
Located in the Caribbean’s Great Antilles, Haiti has a hot and humid tropical climate. Daily temperatures typically range between 19°C and 28°C in the winter and 23°C to 33°C during the summer months.
What is the best time to visit Haiti?
The best time to go to Haiti is during the cooler, drier months November to March – making it the perfect winter escape.