How high should my action be electric guitar?

For electric guitars, in our opinion, a good default string height at the 12th fret is typically about 6/64th of an inch (2.38mm) on the bass side and 4/64th of an inch (1.59mm) on the treble side.

How low should the action be on an electric guitar?

Measuring at the 12th fret (as in the photo), the action height should be 2.6 mm for Steel String Acoustic guitar, 1.8 for electric, 2.0mm for bass and 3mm for a Classical.

What is a good action height?

It’s hard for you to see here due to the quality of the photo, but my string is sitting right on the 1.5mm line, so my string height on the treble side is exactly 1.5mm….String Height at the 1st Fret.

Low Action “Normal” Action
Low E: 0.51mm (0.020”) High E: 0.30mm (0.012”) Low E: 0.76mm (0.030”) High E: 0.41mm (0.016”)

Is 3mm action high?

3mm at the 12th fret is quite acceptable and I certainly wouldn’t be too concerned with it. Keep up the practice, get a few songs under your belt and don’t take too much notice of what you read in guitar forums. Remember – A little knowledge can be very dangerous.

Why would you want high action on a guitar?

The main advantage to having high action is that your guitar will generally be free of that nasty buzzing I mentioned above. It also allows the notes to sustain freely and naturally, since the string is unobstructed. With high action, having your guitar set up by a pro isn’t as critical.

How much relief should a guitar neck have?

between 8-10 thousandths of an inch
How much relief should a guitar neck have? The amount of relief for both electric and acoustic guitars should be between 8-10 thousandths of an inch. This depends on how hard you play and if the strings buzz against the frets. If they do, consider increasing the amount of space between your strings and the frets.

What should be the distance between strings and fretboard?

The “action” or distance between the strings and the neck differs among guitar players, but 1.6 mm (0.063 in) is standard for most guitar players.

Is a little fret buzz OK?

Because of different style preferences, some players are okay with a little fret buzz as long as their action is as low as possible. However, others may find even a little fret buzz distracting and uncomfortable.

What is the best action on an electric guitar?

Everyone’s setup preferences are a bit different. For example, Jeff Beck prefers low action (3/64th), whereas Stevie Ray Vaughn prefers a higher action (7/64th) to accommodate his more aggressive technique. You may want to experiment and determine what’s best for your playing style. Guitar Setup: How Do I Measure the Action on My Electric Guitar?

How do I adjust the action on my electric guitar?

Adjust both set screws, re-tune your guitar to pitch, and take another action measurement at the 12th fret. You may want to play that string a little to see if the playability has improved for you.

What is the default action on an electric guitar?

For electric guitars, the default action is typically 6⁄64 in (0.24 cm) on the bass side and 4⁄64 in (0.16 cm) on the treble side. For acoustic guitars, the default action is typically 7⁄64 in (0.28 cm) on the bass side and 5⁄64 in (0.20 cm) on the treble side. Part 3 Setting Action at the Nut

How low should the action be on a guitar?

Most guitarists prefer their action to be as low as possible without any buzz. However, the best action for you is ultimately a matter of personal comfort and preference. Properly adjusting the action on a guitar potentially requires changes at the neck, nut, and bridge.