How hard is the college Mathematics CLEP?

Calculus is the hardest math CLEP, for almost everyone. Unless you’re a math wiz, it’s also one of the hardest CLEP exams among all the subject categories. Precalculus is harder than College Mathematics and Algebra, but not as advanced as Calculus. Math is by far the most common subject people struggle with.

What is a passing score for CLEP College Mathematics?

Generally, only 50 out of 80 is needed to pass a CLEP exam, which comes out to a grade of 63%. The catch is that a CLEP test will appear as a “P” for “pass” on your transcript whether you get a 50 or an 80. Since CLEP exams cover such a broad range of concepts, you are not expected to pass with flying colors.

Which is easier CLEP College math or algebra?

The College Mathematics CLEP is easier than College Algebra CLEP for most test-takers. College Mathematics has a more broad range of math subjects to cover, but isn’t as in-depth in them.

What level is college mathematics?

What is college-level math? Entry-level math in college is considered the stepping stone to more advanced math. Algebra 1, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus 1 are the basic math classes. Once you have successfully navigated through these courses, you can trail blazed through more advanced courses.

Is 68 a good CLEP score?

The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends a credit-granting score of 50 for each CLEP exam.

How hard is college mathematics?

College math is easily manageable and might even turn out to be fun if you follow our 10 tips for acing the math requirement: 1. Get in—and stay in—the right level. Colleges often have several levels of calculus and up to five versions of algebra.

What is a 50 on CLEP?

The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends a credit-granting score of 50 for each CLEP exam. This is a scaled score, equivalent to earning a C in the relevant course.

What is a perfect CLEP score?

that ranges from 20, the lowest, to 80, the highest. This scaled score is the score that appears on your score report. The scores that appear in the table shown are the credit- granting scores recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).

Are college math classes hard?