How good is Amprex?

Even though you need to invest some Forma for the best builds (around five), building this rifle is totally worth it. You can quickly kill large group of enemies and even deal huge amounts of damage to high level mobs. So if you are looking for a new, strong weapon, go ahead and get yourself an Amprex.

Does punch through work on Amprex?

Combat Use and Summary The Amprex excels against groups. Its chain beam allows it to do significant damage to several enemies at once, amplified massively with Punch Through. A Gas build amplifies this even further against certain enemy types (primarily Corpus).

Where can I find Amprex blueprint?

The Amprex’s blueprint can be researched from the Energy Lab in the dojo.

Is Ignis Wraith considered an assault rifle?

Ignis counts as an AR in sorties but Ignis Wraith doesn’t.

Is multishot good on Amprex?

Both are needed because they fill different roles. Multishot doubles your damage, while crit multiplies it. So doubled, multiplied damage is fantastic, so you should use both.

What mastery rank is Nikana prime?

Weapon Information Nikana Prime requires a mastery rank of 12.

Is multishot good on Ignis?

Yes, it’s just as good as it is on any other kind of weapon.

Does sinister reach affect Ignis Wraith?

Sinister Reach can also be equipped on the Ignis Wraith, greatly increasing the range of its central beam. This will also move the spherical AoE forward by the same distance.

Does split chamber work on Amprex?

For example, the Amprex deals 22 base damage per tick. With Split Chamber, each tick will have a 90% chance of doubling the damage to 44. If Vigilante Armaments is also installed for a total of 150% Multishot, the Amprex will always deal 44 base damage with a 50% chance to deal 22 more damage, totaling 66.

How good is Stahlta?

The Stahlta’s secondary is massively outgunned by about every explosion type weapon. As is the primary by assault rifles. It combines both, but at the cost of lowered efficiency. If you think the Stahlta’s secondary is neat, try the Corinth Prime for once.

How good is the Stropha?

Yeah, Stropha has higher base damage, higher crit chance and crit damage. The only thing it has less is statis chance which is irrelevant in a heavy attack build. So without a riven, Stropha will be doing more damage.