How fast is a 1998 Seadoo GTI?

The top speed of a 1997-2000 Sea-Doo GTI 720 was about 48 mph under ideal conditions.

How much HP does the Seadoo GTI have?

GTI 130

Engine 130
Type 1630 ACEā„¢- 130
Engine Horse Power 130 hp
Engine intake system Naturally aspirated
Cylinders & Displacement 1630 cc

How many cc is a 1997 Seadoo GTI?


GTI 5641 10′ 718
GTS 5818 10′ 718
GTX 5642 10′ 782
Sport Boat Series

What is the difference between Sea-Doo GTI and GTX?

Moreover, the larger GTX touts a massive 18.6-gallon fuel cell compared to the GTI’s 15.9-gallon tank. Interestingly, while total rider capacity is identical at 600-pounds, the GTI has a total storage capacity of 42.5-gallons compared to the GTX’s surprising 26.1-gallons.

What is the difference between the Sea-Doo GTI and GTI SE?

What is the Difference Between the Sea-Doo GTI and GTI SE? The base GTIs are considered the base models in the GTI line, while GTI SE models come with some extra features, including a reboarding ladder, variable trim system (VTS), and cruise control with a no-wake mode.

What is a 1997 Seadoo GTI worth?


Suggested List Price Average Retail
Base Price $6,299 $2,920
Options (Add)
Total Price $6,299 $2,920

Is 1997 Seadoo GTI Fuel Injected?

The 1997 Sea-Doo GTI used a 2-cylinder Bombardier-Rotax 717 engine with rotary valve induction and electric starting system that ran on regular unleaded gas. The exhaust system was water cooled and injected.