How fast does sea breeze bamboo grow?

It is a tightly clumping bamboo that has unique lateral branches and is an amazingly fast grower. At maturity (approximately 3 years) you will have a living privacy screen.

Is multiplex bamboo invasive?

Delivering a tropical feel and easy growth that’s non-invasive, the Multiplex Bamboo Plant is a cold hardy, sub-tropical variety that will provide you with a unique screen in no time.

Is Seabreeze bamboo non invasive?

Seabreeze bamboo (Bambusa Malingensis) is an excellent choice to create a natural living green privacy screen in your garden. A non-invasive clumping bamboo, it does not produce runners that spread across the garden. Seabreeze is a salt tolerant variety, it grows to about 35′ high and will stand cold down to the 20s.

How far apart should you plant Seabreeze bamboo?

4 to 6 feet apart
For example, a fully mature clump of Seabreeze bamboo has a diameter of 4 to 5 feet. Therefore, depending on your spacing needs, planting the bamboos 4 to 6 feet apart is the best choice.

How do you care for a Bambusa multiplex?

Annual Care

  1. Apply a once yearly, controlled release, high nitrogen fertilizer (such as Bamboo Special).
  2. Irrigate or water regularly for at least the first year or two.
  3. For hedges and screens, it is best to do a once yearly pruning during late summer or early fall.

How wide does Seabreeze bamboo get?

Seabreeze Bamboo is a clumping bamboo that does not require any control to contain it. That said, the clump can grow up to 8 feet wide over time.

Which is best bamboo plant for screening?

Bamboo Gracilis is the most popular and best screening or bamboo hedge plant. If the Gracilis is a clone of another gracilis plant and not grown from seed the plant will grow almost identical to the cloned plant.

How far apart should you plant bamboo?

Bamboo should be spaced 3-5 feet apart to form a dense screen. The faster spreading types can be planted farther apart if you are willing to wait a little longer for the screen to fill out. If you want an immediate screen, some types can be planted very close together as long as they have some space to spread in width.