How fast do shock waves travel at?

This speed depends on air temperature, but a is typically about 340 meters per second in “standard” air.

Is a shockwave faster than the speed of sound?

In particular, shock waves travel faster than sound, and their speed increases as the amplitude is raised; but the intensity of a shock wave also decreases faster than does that of a sound wave, because some of the energy of the shock wave is expended to heat the medium in which it travels.

Do shock waves travel at the speed of sound?

The shock wave travels at the speed of sound relative to a weighted average of medium velocity, and is thus not an exception to the rule that wave travel at the speed of sound relative to the average velocity of the medium.

What is the speed of a shockwave in an explosion?

When a shock wave is created by high explosives such as TNT (which has a detonation velocity of 6,900 m/s), it will always travel at high, supersonic velocity from its point of origin.

Is Shockwave faster than a train?

With the help of Compound V, A-Train ultimately wins the race, running at 371 meters per second, while Shockwave runs at 342 meters per second.

How powerful is a shockwave?

The loudest sound ever recorded in human history wasn’t created by a human-made explosion, but instead it was created by the Earth itself. Creating a shockwave 100,000 times more powerful than a hydrogen bomb, this sound was clearly heard by 10 percent of the planet.

What is normal shock wave?

A normal shock wave is a shock with the wave front normal to the freestream flow. • Normal shocks occur, for example, in supersonic internal and jet flows. • Studying a normal shock is the first step in gaining an understanding of shock waves.

How fast does a nuclear blast wave travel?

The blast wind at sea level may exceed one thousand km/h, or ~300 m/s, approaching the speed of sound in air. About 5% of the energy released in a nuclear air burst is in the form of ionizing radiation: neutrons, gamma rays, alpha particles and electrons moving at speeds up to the speed of light.

How fast is shockwave in The Boys?

342 meters per second
Powers and Abilities Superhuman Speed: Shockwave is the second fastest man alive, after A-Train, albeit the latter was on Compound V during their race. He ran 342 meters per second (765.03 MPH/1,231.2 KPH) during his race with A-Train, which is almost as fast as the speed of sound.

Is Homelander fast?

Looking at specific examples of Homelander’s abilities in The Boys, the magnitude of his powers become more clear. He can fly at speeds above of at least Mach 1, which is 767 miles per hour, and is bulletproof.

What is the fastest shock wave?

Debris shot from the volcano during the initial explosion traveled at speeds of up to 2575 km/hr (1600 mi/hr) which is twice the speed of sound. Shockwaves from this eruption circled the globe several times. It created a tsunami with waves 45 m (148 ft) high that destroyed the shores of Java and Sumatra.