How does the Volcanite amulet work?

Upon striking the ground, naturally, the Volcanite projectile will use 1 redstone dust and produce lava. Upon striking a foe or creature, it will set that creature on deadly fire, doing a strong hit of fire damage and setting it on fire for an extended duration, at the cost of 2 redstone dust.

How do I charge my Evertide amulet?

Charging up the Evertide with “V” and pressing the “C” will cause any water directly near you to be frozen depending on what level you’ve charged it. Right clicking while uncharged will place a single block of water at your target….

Evertide Amulet
Stackable No
EMC Value 422,406
Included in Equivalent Exchange

How do you fly in Tekkit Classic?

Pressing “jump” twice: Causes the player to fly in the same manner as Creative Mode flight (double-click “jump” to fall, hold “jump” to ascend, hold “sneak” to descend).

How do you store EMC items?

EMC can be stored by using a Klein Star, holding four times as much EMC with each upgrade. EMC can also be used in a Transmutation Tablet. * : indicates that an item cannot be taught normally; an Alchemical Tome is required. Item will not look right, and has no name until placed.

What is an Evertide?

The Evertide Amulet is an EE Power Item used for placing water source blocks.

What is an EMC table called?

The Transmutation Table functions as a battery for EMC energy, a charger for EMC storage items, as a library of blueprints and as a fabricator of items.

What item has the highest EMC value?

the Alchemical Tome
When the EMC of all the ingredients is added together, the total cost of the Alchemical Tome is 152,732,018 making it easily the most EMC expensive item in Tekkit.

What is Eventide in Nevermoor?

Eventide is the last day of an Age. In Jackalfax on the afternoon before Eventide, the face of the Skyfaced Clock turns an inky black and the bells ring until midnight to alert residents of its arrival. On Eventide Day, all the cursed children are to die at midnight when Eventide turns to Morningtide.

What does Eventide Island give you?

This island presents a major challenge. You’ll get all your equipment back, and a shrine will sprout on top of Koholit Rock. Head back that way, and feel free to slaughter any enemies you let go before – you don’t need to, but catharsis is a great reward.

How do you fly in Project E?