How does synchronize work?

Synchronize is an ability that Psychic-Type Pokémon and Umbreon have. This ability passes on status conditions inflicted on the Pokémon back to the opponent. This ability only works with the poisoned, paralyzed, and burned conditions.

How does synchronize work with natures?

From Pokémon Emerald onward, if a Pokémon with Synchronize is in the first slot in the party (even if fainted) when a wild Pokémon is encountered, there is a 50% chance that the game will force it to have the same Nature as the Pokémon in the first slot.

What is synchronization with example?

To synchronize is to coordinate or time events so they happen all at the same time. An example of synchronize is when dancers coordinate their movements. An example of synchronize is when you and a friend both set your watch to 12:15. To cause to occur or operate with exact coincidence in time or rate.

Why do we need synchronization?

The need for synchronization originates when processes need to execute concurrently. The main purpose of synchronization is the sharing of resources without interference using mutual exclusion. The other purpose is the coordination of the process interactions in an operating system.

What is the purpose of synchronizing content?

File synchronization ensures that two or more locations share the same data, occurs automatically, and prevents duplication of identical files. Version Control: This technique aims to provide synchronizing solutions for files that can be altered by more than one user at the same time.

Where do I sync files?

The best file syncing solutions provide a simple solution to copy and back up your files from different devices, whether you are at work, at home, or on the go….

  1. Microsoft OneDrive. The best office syncing solution.
  2. Best all-rounder for personal or business syncing.
  3. GoodSync.
  4. Syncplicity.
  5. Resilio Sync.
  6. Google Drive.

How do I install sync files?

Install FreeFileSync 11.5 on Ubuntu 20.04– A Free File Sync…

  1. Step 1: Download FreeFileSync tarball. Visit the FreeFileSync official website (
  2. Step 2: Extract tarball.
  3. Step 3: Move FreeFileSync to /opt.
  4. Step 4: Create FreeFileSync application shortcut.

Which is better synchronize or trace?

Synchronize can make your opponent think twice before using a status move. Trace depends on the opponent, but could potentially pay off if you copy a good ability.

Is synchronize a good move?

Synchronoise is one of the main Psychic-type moves in Pokemon Go that deals 80 damage and costs 50 energy. It is strong against Fighting and Poison Pokémon and weak against Steel and Psychic Pokémon. The total duration that this move takes is 2600ms.