How does Supernatural Season 9 end?
How does Supernatural Season 9 end?
The episode’s final moments (SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t watched) saw heroic monster hunter Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) — one of the show’s two protagonists — return from death with the signature black eyes of a demon, tragically transforming him into one of the creatures he’s spent his life fighting.
How many episodes are in season 9 Supernatural?
23Supernatural – Season 9 / Number of episodes
The ninth season of Supernatural, an American dark fantasy television series created by Eric Kripke, premiered on October 8, 2013, concluded on May 20, 2014, and contained 23 episodes.
What is the last episode of Supernatural?
Carry OnSupernatural / Latest episode
How did Supernatural end?
When Supernatural ended, the Winchester brothers found peace. After dying on the job, Dean (Jensen Ackles) got to experience Jack’s heaven, which naturally involved beer, Baby, and classic rock.
What happened to Dean in season 10?
Demon Dean Supernatural season 10 began with Dean’s disappearance with Crowley after season 9 closed with his resurrection as a demon. After gallivanting with the King of Hell for a time, the relationship became strained. Meanwhile, Sam refused to give up looking for his brother.
Does Sam forgive Dean for Gadreel?
Dean decides to leave to hunt Gadreel on his own and Sam doesn’t stop him. While the two eventually start hunting together again, Sam refuses to be anything more than hunting partners until Dean is killed by Metatron and they reconcile.
Does Castiel turn back into angel?
Castiel slits Theo’s throat with an angel blade, releasing his grace. Castiel then inhales it, turning him back into an angel and restoring at least some of his powers which is proven when he is then able to smite the now-human Theo.
Who does Sam Winchester end up with?
Between the two Winchesters, it was Sam that managed to live a long life until dying from old age. Throughout the epilogue for Sam, he got the apple pie life with a wife and a son named Dean Winchester Jr.
Does Cass become an angel again?
Without it, Castiel is human, although much like Anna he was still able to hear the angels on “angel radio.” After living as a human for some time, he takes the grace of an angel named Theo before killing him, becoming an angel again.
Who kills Metatron in Supernatural?
Dean explains to Metatron that they plan to rescue Lucifer from the Darkness and work with him and God to defeat her. Metatron is killed by Amara.
Does Sam become an angel?
Even though he’s had a stronger connection to demons, Sam is the only Winchester to become possessed by an angel twice. Once by the archangel Lucifer and the second time by Gadreel.