How does scaling and the mouse but not the gorilla?

How does scaling aid the mouse but not the gorilla? The mouse has more surface area per bodyweight, which means greater air resistance per bodyweight, which means its terminal speed of fall is slower than the gorillas.

Do you have to aim your darts higher than lower than or the same as when you play darts on solid ground?

You have to aim lower to compensate for the upward speed of the elevator. Solution: (a) You have to aim your darts same as when you play darts on solid ground.

Is the normal force from a floor on a suitcase always equal in magnitude to the weight of the suitcase?

The magnitude of the normal force is equal to the sum of the magnitude of the man’s weight and the magnitude of the suitcase’s weight. Recognize that the normal force acting on an object is not always equal to the weight of that object. This is an important point to understand.

What is the direction of the net force acting on the object at position B?

What is the direction of the net force acting on the object at position B? The net force is zero.

Which of the following items would remain without rusting longer a solid lump of steel or steel wool that weighs the same amount?

Which of the following items would remain without rusting longer: a solid lump of steel or steel wool that weighs the same amount? The lump of steel would stay without rusting longer, because not as much of it comes in contact with the air.

How does this affect the amount of food each creature eats?

How does this affect the amount of food each creature eats? The greater amount of radiating area per body weight of a mouse means that it radiates a grater amount energy per body weight, which in turn means the small creature needs a greater proportion.

Should you lean when throwing darts?

Is It Ok To Lean Over the Line When Throwing Darts? Leaning into a shot can have a substantial impact in your precision. While both feet must remain behind the oche, any other part of your body is free to lean over the line. The farther you lean, the closer to your target you will be.

Should you lean forward when throwing darts?

There is no rule that states you cannot lean forward when throwing your dart and some well known professional players certainly make use of this option.

When you pull a large suitcase at the airport why does only a part of your force do work?

When you pull a suitcase with wheels why does only part of your force do work? Only part of your force does work because your force has both a horizontal part and a vertical part. When you pull this way, only part in the same direction as the motion of the suitcase does work.

When going down in an elevator do you weigh?

The normal force is equal to your apparent weight. So, you actually feel a little heavier than usual when the elevator accelerates upward, and lighter than usual when the acceleration is down.

When the ball is caught what produces the force on the player’s glove?

The force the ball exerts after being on by the bat produces the force on the players glove. The strong man can withstand the tension force exerted by the two horses pulling in opposite directions.

What is the upward force that acts on the book called?

normal force
There are two forces acting upon the book. One force – the Earth’s gravitational pull – exerts a downward force. The other force – the push of the table on the book (sometimes referred to as a normal force) – pushes upward on the book.