How does PG&E billing work?
How does PG&E billing work?
Each month you pay only the service charge and any gas or non-energy charges. Your meter is read monthly, and the net energy usage during each billing period appears as either a credit or a charge on your NEM Electric Statement. These credits and charges are carried forward month to month for 12 billing cycles.
What makes a PG&E bill so high?
Utility company says higher bills are because of rising natural gas costs, demand.
How do you read PG&E?
Read a SmartMeter™
- The initial screen displays ‘888888…’ indicating that the unit is functioning properly.
- The next screen shows the total kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy usage. The five-digit number is cumulative and may include leading zeroes.
- The final screen shows the current electric usage at the premises.
What is the billing cycle for PG&E?
Whenever PG&E’s rate schedules include an annual minimum, an annual service or an annual demand charge, said charge is to be payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments throughout the year unless otherwise provided in the rate schedule.
Why is my PG&E bill so low?
PG&E residential customer bills will be lower this month thanks to the California Climate Credit. The credit created by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), is part of the state’s efforts to fight climate change.
What does a negative balance on PGE mean?
If you have a negative balance, PG&E will not give you the full credit. Instead, they will give a statement credit at a wholesale rate, ~3.7¢ per extra kilowatt. Essentially, you pay for electricity once a year. However, certain taxes for electricity and your gas bill will continue to be billed monthly.
How can I lower my PG&E bill?
- Set your thermostat for savings. You can save about 2% of your heating bill for each degree that you lower the thermostat (if the turndown lasts a good part of the day or night).
- Get smart about thermostats. Install and properly set a programmable thermostat.
- Insulate your electric water heater.
What is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 PGE?
For residential tiered rates, Tier 1 includes the baseline quantity and Tier 2 extends from 101% of baseline to 400% of baseline. Any usage over 400% of baseline is subject to the High Usage Surcharge for that billing period. PG&E also offers electric Time-of Use-rates for residential customers.
Does PG and E cover water?
Though drought conditions have improved in California, water remains a precious resource, and PG&E treats it as one in our operations and our facilities. We work to help our customers to do so as well, particularly in places such as the Central Valley.
Why is my PG&E bill negative?
A negative balance indicates that your bill was overpaid and that you may be eligible for a refund.
Does a negative balance mean you owe money?
A negative credit card balance is when your balance is below zero. It appears as a negative account balance. This means that your credit card company owes you money instead of the other way around. Typically, this happens when you’ve overpaid your outstanding balance or if you’ve had a credit returned to your account.