How does OptiStruct define contacts?

The two main discretization options in OptiStruct that can be used to define Contact are Node-to-Surface (N2S), Surface-to-Surface (S2S) and Node-to-Node (N2N). Based on the interaction that is simulated between the main and secondary, various types of contact are available.

Does HyperWorks include OptiStruct?

Below is a list of popular solvers that are fully integrated with HyperMesh: OptiStruct. RADIOSS. AcuSolve….HyperWorks OverView.

HyperWorks Solutions HyperWorks Products
Crash & Safety HyperView Player OptiStruct
Durability HyperGraph MotionSolve
Manufacturing HyperCrash HyperShape/Catia
NVH MotionView HyperForm

Is OptiStruct a solver?

Building on more than 25 years of innovation, OptiStruct is a proven, modern structural solver with comprehensive, accurate, and scalable solutions for linear and nonlinear analyses across statics and dynamics, vibrations, acoustics, fatigue, heat transfer, and multiphysics disciplines.

How do I add contact surfaces in HyperMesh?

hmll into HyperMesh Desktop. 1. On the Analysis page,click contactsurfs to enter the contact surface creation panel. In order to create contact interfaces for solid elements, we must define the faces which we expect to be in contact, one component at a time.

Is OptiStruct free?

OptiStruct free-size optimization is used to locate tailor-welded blanks and identify the optimal ply shapes in laminate composites. Advanced features including multi-model, multi-material, failsafe optimization extend OptiStruct’s optimization leadership.

Is HyperMesh and HyperWorks same?

Hyperworks is the complete package containing Hypermesh. Hypermesh is primarily a meshing software specially for structural applications.

Is Hyperworks and Hypermesh same?

Is Altair free?

Students and educators can access Altair’s comprehensive simulation platform for free.

Is HyperWorks and Hypermesh same?

Which company uses HyperMesh?

Companies Currently Using Altair HyperMesh

Company Name Website Sub Level Industry
Boeing Airlines, Airports & Air Services
Arup Architecture, Engineering & Design
Blue Origin Aerospace & Defense
General Motors Automobiles & Auto Parts