How does marriage work in Congo?

Under the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) Constitution, women and men have the right to marry the person of their choice and form a family (Art. 40, 2011). Marriage is defined as an act between a man and a woman of legal age in which both parties provide full consent (Family Code, 1987, Art. 330, 334, 351).

What is Congolese traditional wedding?

At a traditional Congolese wedding, for example, the bride’s father or grandfather takes the traditional beer known as “cham-cham” and pours it on the ground. This is a way of sharing the drink with the ancestors so that they can celebrate along with the family.

Who pays for wedding in Congo?

Traditionally, family members arranged marriages. A practice that dates back to ancient times is the dot, or brideprice. Once price has been set between the two families, the groom must pay it to the wife’s family. The dot is often priced very high.

How much is the bride price in Congo?

The modal bride price payment was between US$250 and US$500, a significant sum given that for a number of decades the average real per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of the DRC has been stagnant at around US$250 per person. Larger payments in excess of US$500 (two years of per capita GDP) are also common.

Do Congolese men have multiple wives?

The practice is most widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 11% of the population live in polygamous households. The proportion in DR Congo is 2%. Examples abound of Congolese men boasting about having a “second office” that everyone is aware of — even their first spouse.

Is polygamy common in Congo?

Polygamy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is officially illegal, though there has never been an arrest with a case of it, a lot of Congolese people still practice it multiple times most likely influenced by religious beliefs or their Culture.

What do you wear to a Congolese wedding?

Traditional Balubas Wedding Attire: African prints and styles are the material of choice, and since this is a very recent practice, techniques are borrowed from different African cultures and beyond.

How do people in Congo greet each other?

When greeting each other, men (and sometimes women) will touch their head to yours three times from side to side and the forehead. Women are often called “Mama” as a term of respect or friendship, and men are often called “Papa.” Women may also be addressed by their husband’s names.

Is polygamy legal in Congo?

How many wives can a African man have?

In most West African countries, polygamy is also recognised and regulated by the civil law that allows a man to marry up to four women under certain conditions, including the financial capacity to support multiple wives and families. In practice, a polygamous union is in most cases limited to two women per couple.

What is Congolese culture?

Culture is most evident in the well-preserved tribal and ethnic traditions of the Congolese, as well as in the music they play, infused with French, Arab and African roots. The people follow a variety of religious beliefs, but a majority of the population is either Catholic or Protestant.