How does magento2 search work?

The standard Magento 2 search works in the following way: either manually or on a set schedule, the site re-indexes all the goods and adds information about the attributes involved in the search in the database. When a user enters a query, the site breaks it down into elements interconnected with logical OR.

How do I search in Magento 2?

Main Magento 2 Search Facts Magento 2 Open Source allows MySQL as a Magento search engine only. The Commerce edition provides the merchants the option to work with Elasticsearch, MySQL, and Solr. You can find the search settings at Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization.

How do I change my search engine in magento2?

Change Search Engine using the Admin (steps) In the panel on the left under Catalog, choose Catalog. Expand the Catalog Search section. Go to the Search Engine field and remove selection from the Use system value checkbox. Click the Search Engine menu and select one of the available options.

What is elastic search in magento2?

ElasticSearch is an open-source, highly-scalable, and enterprise-grade search engine that is based on Apache Lucene. It was designed in such a way that it can easily use in distributed environments by providing scalability and flexibility.

What are search terms Magento 2?

Search Terms are configured by admins on Magento 2 stores, that means customers need to type the keywords of the needed products and get them on the search results. And interestingly, you can make an small survey of the customer demands via the search terms by tracking what the clients are looking for in your store.

How do I remove related search terms in Magento 2?

Remove the Search Term in Magento 2

  1. On the management grid of the search term, tick the checkbox of the term you want to remove.
  2. On the Action box, choose the Delete option.
  3. Click on Submit to complete.

What is Search weight in Magento?

Featured In – Magento 2, How to – Magento Magento 2 attribute search weight allows the admin to assign a weight for product attributes that are enabled for catalog search. Doing so, the attributes with higher priority get preference over other attributes to appear in the search results.

Why do we need elasticsearch in Magento?

Elasticsearch is used as a search engine in Magento. Since Magento 2.4, Elasticsearch is a required component and installation of Magento without Elasticsearch is not possible.

Why is elasticsearch health yellow?

Health Status A yellow status means that all primary shards are allocated to nodes, but some replicas are not. A red status means at least one primary shard is not allocated to any node. A common cause of a yellow status is not having enough nodes in the cluster for the primary or replica shards.

How do I add search terms in Magento 2?

How to Add Search Terms in Magento 2

  1. On the Admin Panel, Marketing > SEO & Search > Search Terms .
  2. Click on Add New Search Term button, and set the General Information: In the Search Query field, enter the words for the new search term.
  3. Save Search to complete.