How does Jakafi work for polycythemia vera?

Jakafi is a targeted therapy that works by targeting JAKs, which control the production of blood cells. In doing so, Jakafi helps to reduce overactive JAK signaling to help keep the production of blood cells under control (C). Jakafi may also help to reduce the size of an enlarged spleen.

What are the side effects of the drug Jakafi?

Side Effects

  • Dizziness, diarrhea, headache, weight gain, or gas may occur.
  • People using this medication may have serious side effects.
  • Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: unusual tiredness, easy bleeding/bruising, unusual skin changes.

What is the drug of choice for polycythemia?

Hydroxyurea: The drug of choice for polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia.

Is Jakafi better than hydroxyurea?

The researchers concluded that Jakafi provides superior results compared to BAT among patients with PV who have stopped responding to, or are intolerant to hydroxyurea. These results are promising, and provide an effective and well-tolerated treatment option among patients with uncontrolled PV.

Can polycythemia go into remission?

Abstract. A 20-year-old woman presented with polycythemia vera and was treated with phlebotomy alone for eleven years, following which all clinical manifestations of the disease disappeared. The clinical remission with normal physical findings and normal peripheral blood counts has persisted for a further 11 years.

Does Jakafi cause weight gain?

Common side effects of Jakafi include: anemia, balance impairment, dizziness, headache, labyrinthitis, meniere’s disease, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, vertigo, and orthostatic dizziness. Other side effects include: weight gain, and flatulence.

Does Medicare pay for Jakafi?

Do Medicare prescription drug plans cover Jakafi? Yes. 100% of Medicare prescription drug plans cover this drug.

Is Jakafi well tolerated?

Improvement in PV symptoms was achieved in 50% of patients treated with Jakafi, compared with 7.7% of patients treated with BAT. Overall, Jakafi was well tolerated by patients.