How does ion exchange process work?

Put simply, ion exchange is a reversible interchange of charged particles—or ions—with those of like charge. This occurs when ions present on an insoluble IX resin matrix effectively swap places with ions of a similar charge that are present in a surrounding solution.

What happens in anion exchange chromatography?

Anion-exchange chromatography is a process that separates substances based on their charges using an ion-exchange resin containing positively charged groups, such as diethyl-aminoethyl groups (DEAE). In solution, the resin is coated with positively charged counter-ions (cations).

What is the principle of anion exchange resin?

The working principle of ion exchange resin: In the process of ion exchange, cations in water (such as Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Fe3+) are exchanged with H + on cation exchange resin, and cations in water are transferred to resin, while H + on the resin is exchanged into water.

What is anion exchange water treatment?

Water softeners remove cations (positively charged ions such as calcium and magnesium) and replace them with sodium. Anion exchange devices remove anions (negatively charged ions such as arsenic and nitrate) and replace them with chloride.

What is cation and anion exchange?

Ion exchangers are either cation exchangers, which exchange positively charged ions (cations), or anion exchangers, which exchange negatively charged ions (anions). There are also amphoteric exchangers that are able to exchange both cations and anions simultaneously.

What is the process of ion exchange chromatography?

The Technique

  1. An impure protein sample is loaded into the ion exchange chromatography column at a particular pH.
  2. Charged proteins will bind to the oppositely charged functional groups in the resin.
  3. A salt gradient is used to elute separated proteins.
  4. Unwanted proteins and impurities are removed by washing the column.

What is the basic principle of ion exchange chromatography?

Ion-exchange chromatography retains analyte molecules on the column based on coulombic (ionic) interactions. The ion exchange chromatography matrix consists of positively and negatively charged ions. Essentially, molecules undergo electrostatic interactions with opposite charges on the stationary phase matrix.

Which polymer is used for preparation of anion exchange resin?

Amination of vinylbenzyl chloride-divinylbenzene (VBC-DVB) copolymers is an effective method for preparation of ion-exchange resins. Conventionally, the starting polymer is produced by chloromethylation of a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer that utilizes chloromethyl methyl ether, a known carcinogen.

Why ion exchange method is best?

Ion exchange resins are useful for the removal of water problems including hard water, scale buildup, nitrates and arsenic. Ion exchange resins are useful for the removal of water problems including hard water, scale buildup, nitrates, arsenic and more.