How does inheritdoc work?

The @inheritdoc tag indicates that a symbol should inherit its documentation from its parent class. Any other tags that you include in the JSDoc comment will be ignored.

How do you use Inheritdoc in Java?

use {@inheritdoc} explicitly states that comments should be inherited. javadoc documentation : “insert the {@inheritdoc} inline tag in a method main description or @return , @param , or @throws tag comment. the corresponding inherited main description or tag comment is copied into that spot.”

What is Inheritdoc PHP?

Description. The {@inheritdoc} inline tag is used in the class DocBlocks of child classes. phpDocumentor will automatically inherit the @author tag, @version tag, and @copyright tag from a parent class. {@inheritdoc} allows flexibility of where to put documentation from the parent class in a child class’s documentation …

What is CREF C#?

The cref attribute in an XML documentation tag means “code reference.” It specifies that the inner text of the tag is a code element, such as a type, method, or property.

How do you write a good Java document?

Javadoc coding standards

  1. Write Javadoc to be read as source code.
  2. Public and protected.
  3. Use the standard style for the Javadoc comment.
  4. Use simple HTML tags, not valid XHTML.
  5. Use a single

    tag between paragraphs.

  6. Use a single
  7. tag for items in a list.
  8. Define a punchy first sentence.

What is Javadoc style?

Javadoc (originally cased JavaDoc) is a documentation generator created by Sun Microsystems for the Java language (now owned by Oracle Corporation) for generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code.

What is inheritance in Java PDF?

JAVA – INHERITANCE. Inheritance can be defined as the process where one class acquires the properties methodsandfields of another. With the use of inheritance the information is made manageable in a hierarchical order.

What is XML comments in C#?

The XML comments are used to build API documentation which is readable by external tools. IntelliSense also reads these, and uses the contents to show the docs for your code in the assistance tooltips as you type (and in the Documentation window).

What is XML documentation in C#?

XML Documentation helps other programmers or developers to use your code (classes, functions and their members) easily by providing some useful information. XML Documentation starts with three slashes before the class or function to be documented.

What is API documentation in Java?

This tool is used to create a standard documentation of Java code in HTML file format. In fact, Java officially uses this tool to create its own library API documentation.