How does Flipboard choose cover stories?

You Can Choose Your Own Cover Image By default, Flipboard creates a cover for each magazine using the most recent story (which includes a photo) you flipped. But your most recent story may not be the most beautiful, or the one you really want to display on the cover.

How do you customize Flipboard?

Open Flipboard and tap the three dot menu on the right corner of the app. The Edit Home screen appears. Scroll to your magazine and tap Personalize if you want to change the topics included in your magazine. If you want to delete it, select the X.

How do I edit my Flipboard magazine?

Log into your account on and you’ll see a new “edit” button under the cover of each of your Flipboard magazines.

How do I get rid of Flipboard covers?

“Tap and hold” on the item to bring up the action menu, then tap “Remove from Magazine.” Zap! The item will disappear.

How do I remove StoryBoard from Flipboard?

While creating a new project, you will be asked Name of the Project, Company, and below all you will have a Checkbox of Use StoryBoard. Simply de-select that.

How do I add magazines to Flipboard?

To add content from your phone or tablet, use your device’s sharing function and select Flipboard. You’ll be prompted to select which magazine you want to add the item to. From your within Flipboard, simply click on the + on any story you’d like to add to a magazine.

How do you edit a magazine?

Here are 9 editing tips for magazine editors:

  1. Remove Weak Descriptions. You’ll often find weak descriptions in the form of bad adjectives.
  2. Keep it Simple. Long sentences often lose the reader.
  3. Focus on Micro-Edits.
  4. Remove Jargon.
  5. Consider Formatting.
  6. Avoid Nominalization.
  7. Remove the Passive Voice.
  8. Use Contractions.

What is Flipboard storyboard?

A Flipboard Storyboard is a curated mini-magazine on Flipboard that lets users create a smaller, more targeted content collection than a regular Flipboard magazine.

Can I block Fox news on Flipboard?

Web. You cannot use the block feature on

What are smart magazines Flipboard?

Custom Smart Magazines A Custom Smart Magazine lets Flipboard users bundle specific sources into one magazine. Sources that can be added include RSS feeds, Flipboard user magazines, Flipboard Topics, and social sources such as Twitter handles or hashtags, YouTube feeds and Google+.