How does dipole antenna work?
How does dipole antenna work?
A dipole antenna commonly consists of two identical conductive elements such as metal wires or rods. The driving current from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal to the receiver is taken, between the two halves of the antenna.
What is a double cross antenna?
Double cross dipole antenna is design to operate at frequency range of 137-138 MHz. simulation result of 137.62 MHz frequency generate return of loss as -20.726 dB, the value of VSWR 1.20 bandwidth of 82.32 Mhz, omnidirectional polarization and circular polarization.
Does an inverted V antenna need a balun?
Dipoles have a feed point of about 75Ω in free space, and can be fed with 50Ω to 75Ω coax with or without a 1:1 balun. Inverted Vee’s present closer to 50Ω due to the effect of the ground being close to the tip of each leg. Feed your inverted vee with 50Ω coaxial cable, with or without a 1:1 balun.
Is an inverted V antenna omnidirectional?
There is a general belief that a dipole antenna will typically produce a set of bi-directional radiation lobes in the azimuth plane, whereas, an Inverted V pattern will be nearly omnidirectional.
Does a dipole need a ground?
No. The ones in satellites in space work very well. The idea of grounding an antenna is a myth. So-called grounds on antennas are nothing more than additional radiating elements that are buried in the lossy medium called “ground”, aka “earth”.
How efficient is a dipole antenna?
It can be very close to 100% (or 0 dB) for dish antennas, horn antennas, or half-wavelength dipoles with no lossy materials around them. Mobile phone antennas, or wifi antennas in consumer electronics products, typically have efficiencies from 20%-70% (-7 to -1.5 dB).
What is cross dipole antenna?
A turnstile antenna, or crossed-dipole antenna, is a radio antenna consisting of a set of two identical dipole antennas mounted at right angles to each other and fed in phase quadrature; the two currents applied to the dipoles are 90° out of phase.
What is the best angle for an inverted V antenna?
around 120°
Inverted V dipole installation considerations Angle between dipole legs should be at least 90° and preferably around 120°.
How high should a dipole be off the ground?
For best results, dipoles should be at least 1/2 wavelength above ground level. For the lower bands, especially 160-40 meters, this can become impractical–place your dipole as high as your situation allows.