How does a turkey gobble?
How does a turkey gobble?
Male turkeys are called “gobblers” because of their famous call, which is their version of a rooster’s crow. It’s a loud, shrill, descending, throaty jumble of sound that lasts about 1 second. Males often gobble from their treetop roosts, where the sound carries better than on the ground.
Why do turkeys gobble non stop?
Mating. The most likely reason you hear turkeys gobble is that it’s the mating season. Turkeys can start breeding as early as February in the southern states and in April or May in northern regions. Only males gobble, and they do it to attract females.
What do you do when you hear a turkey gobble?
If you get a gobbler to respond, move as close to his position as you can without being detected. This is a great morning or afternoon tactic. When the birds are already on the ground and you are prospecting for gobblers by walking ridges, if you get a gobbler to respond you need to cut the distance in half or more.
Why do gobblers go silent?
In short, the theory goes, we have killed the noisier, more eager toms, leaving the craftier, quieter ones to pass on their genes. That theory sounds good around the campfire, but there is no real evidence or studies to support it, says Ken Duren, wild turkey biologist for the Ohio Division of Wildlife.
How far can a turkey hear a call?
In a big field they will hear you from 400 yards. It sounds like you know where they are and where they are going.
Why do gobblers hang up?
Turkey hunters define a gobbler that stands in one place, gobbles and struts but won’t come in to the call as a hung-up gobbler. When a turkey hangs-up, it’s because he knows that when he gobbles, the hen is supposed to come to him.
How often should you call while turkey hunting?
every 15 minutes
But don’t call too often – less is more. Calling every 15 minutes or so and starting off quieter and then getting more aggressive/louder as the day goes on are good rules of thumb. If you hear a hen, try to mimic her exact vocalizations.
How far will turkeys travel to a call?
Re: From how far will the turkey travel to come to your calls? In a big field they will hear you from 400 yards.