How do you write the large intestine?
How do you write the large intestine?
The long, tube-like organ that is connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. The large intestine has four parts: cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. Partly digested food moves through the cecum into the colon, where water and some nutrients and electrolytes are removed.
What is the large intestine name?
Large intestine (colon)
How the large intestine got its name?
The large intestine gets its name from the fact that it is larger in diameter than the small intestine.
Where is the large intestine located?
In the left upper side of your abdomen, your large intestine is located under your spleen. At this flexure, your large intestine turns downward. Descending colon. In the left side of your abdomen, your large intestine descends for about 5 inches.
Is large intestine the colon?
The longest part of the large intestine (a tube-like organ connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other). The colon removes water and some nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food.
What is large intestine and small intestine?
The small bowel connects to the large bowel, also called the large intestine or colon. The intestines are responsible for breaking food down, absorbing its nutrients and solidifying the waste. The small intestine is the longest part of the GI tract, and it is where most of your digestion takes place.
What are the 3 sections of the large intestine?
The large bowel [large intestine or the colon] is part of the digestive system. It runs from the small intestine to the rectum. It is made up of three portions; the ascending, transverse and descending colon.
Is the colon the large intestine?
What are the five parts of the large intestine?
The large intestine is approximately 1.5m long and comprises the caecum, colon, rectum, anal canal and anus (Fig 1). The structure of the large intestine is very similar to that of the small intestine (see part 4), except that its mucosa is completely devoid of villi.
What’s an intestine?
The intestine is a muscular tube which extends from the lower end of your stomach to your anus, the lower opening of the digestive tract. It is also called the bowel or bowels.
What are the parts of the large intestine in order?
The entry point, about six inches long, is called the cecum. The rest of the colon is divided into segments: the ascending colon (traveling up), the transverse colon (traveling across to the left), the descending colon (traveling down) and the sigmoid colon (headed back across to the right).