How do you write subscript in HTML?

The tag defines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Subscript text can be used for chemical formulas, like H2O. Tip: Use the tag to define superscripted text.

How do you do subscript and superscript in HTML?

  1. Subscript: The tag is used to add a subscript text to the HTML document. The tag defines the subscript text.
  2. Superscript: The tag is used to add a superscript text to the HTML document. The tag defines the superscript text.
  3. Examples:

How do you type a subscript in code?

Using in Windows Documents For example, alt + 8308 will make superscript ⁴. On Microsoft Word documents, enter the hexadecimal code as in the above table, then press alt and x keys together. That will convert the code into a superscript or subscript. For example, 00B2 Alt + X will make superscript two like ².

What is subscript in HTML with example?

The HTML tag defines subscript text in an HTML document. For example, in the chemical formula CO2, the number 2 is rendered as subscript which has a smaller font and appears with a lowered baseline. This tag is also commonly referred to as the element.

What is sub element in HTML?

: The Subscript element. The HTML element specifies inline text which should be displayed as subscript for solely typographical reasons. Subscripts are typically rendered with a lowered baseline using smaller text.

How do you make a superscript smaller in HTML?

As an alternative to based answers or might be a better starting point from a semantic standpoint. is superscript and will raise the *. is subscript and will lower the *.

How do you add superscript in HTML?

The tag defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW. Tip: Use the tag to define subscript text.

What is the HTML tag for superscript text?

: The Superscript element The HTML element specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical reasons. Superscripts are usually rendered with a raised baseline using smaller text.

How do I write AB 2 in HTML?

Answer. Answer: HTML code to display (A+B)2 = A2 + B2 + 2AB in web page.

How to write subscript?

Place cursor where you want the subscript to go. Click where you’d like the subscript to appear.

  • Click the X2 button. You can find the subscript button on the ‘Home’ tab.
  • Type your subscript. Type whatever you want to be included in your subscript.
  • Exit out of subscript. If you keep typing,everything will remain in the subscript.
  • What is the HTML code for superscript?


  • What is subscript and superscript in HTML?

    The tag defines the subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Subscript text can be used for chemical formulas, like H2O to be written as H 2 O. Superscript: The tag is used to add a superscript text to the HTML document. The tag defines the superscript text.

    How to do superscript HTML?

    – Select the text you want to make super/subscript. – Click the page icon in the Character Styles panel to create a new Character Style. – Double-click the style that was created to open the Style Options. – Give your style a unique name, and choose the Superscript or Subscript tag to be used for the style.