How do you write an extended essay abstract?

Writing the abstract

  1. Highlight the sentences in the paper that detail the problem (objective) investigated.
  2. Highlight the research question (or thesis).
  3. Identify information (phrases, key words) that shows the scope and sequence of the investigation-identify but do not explain.

Do extended essays need an abstract?

No Abstract required You must not put an abstract in your Extended Essay. If you do you will lose many marks.

How do you write an extended essay for history?

These are the essential steps to writing a successful History Extended Essay:

  1. Chose a topic.
  2. Gather resources.
  3. Begin to research.
  4. Narrow the topic and formulate a research question.
  5. Conduct more focused research.
  6. Create an outline.
  7. Write the first draft.
  8. Edit the draft in line with the feedback you have received.

How long should an abstract be for extended essay?

300 words
An abstract not exceeding 300 words must be included with the essay submitted. It does not serve as an introduction, but presents an overview of the extended essay, and should, therefore, be written last.

Does the abstract count in the word count extended essay?

If you’re doing a Maths EE, for example, the majority of your paper will be equations and calculations, so you might not have more than a few hundred words. No bibliography, footnotes, illustrations, etc. Abstract gets its own word count.

How many sources should you have for a history extended essay?

5 sources
Keep in mind that a general guide line used in many schools is 5 sources minimum for the IA in History, so if you are doing a History paper aim to have as close to ten sources as possible if not more for the EE.

How many sources does a history ee need?

five sources
Annotated Bibliography for the Extended Essay Early in the Extended Essay process, are required to submit an annotated bibliography summarizing and evaluating five sources.

How do you start an abstract sample?

The abstract should begin with a brief but precise statement of the problem or issue, followed by a description of the research method and design, the major findings, and the conclusions reached.

How do I choose a history topic on EE?

Students must establish the historical context and significance of the topic and explain why it is worthy of investigation. Students must demonstrate that they have selected a suitable range of appropriate and relevant sources. An attempt should be made to use both primary and secondary sources where possible.