How do you write ACCA performance objectives?

Elements – Each objective has five elements which outline the tasks, skills and behaviours you must demonstrate to achieve the objective. A statement – You’ll need to write a 200-500 word statement where you demonstrate achievement of the objective by providing examples of your work.

What are ACCA performance objectives?

Performance objectives are benchmarks of effective performance that describe the types of work activities students and affiliates will be involved in as trainee accountants. They also outline the values and attitudes trainees should demonstrate as they fulfil their practical experience requirements.

How long does it take to complete ACCA per?

36 months
You’ll need to complete 36 months in a relevant accountancy/ finance role and show you have the right mix of skills by achieving nine performance objectives (five Essentials and four Technical). You can choose performance objectives that easily align with the actual work you’re doing.

How long can you be an ACCA affiliate?

The rule means you have seven years to pass the Strategic Professional exams once you pass your first Strategic Professional exam. If you don’t pass all the Strategic Professional exams and reach affiliate status within seven years, you’ll lose any Strategic Professional passes achieved after seven years.

How do you achieve performance objectives?


  1. 1) Share your business goals and measures of success.
  2. 2) Set employees up for success.
  3. 3) Include different types of performance objectives and include key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure progress toward key goals.
  4. 4) Follow a general format.

What is the starting salary of ACCA?

Pursuing the ACCA course to become a global chartered accountant has many advantages. Among them, salary is one such advantage. Starting salary for an ACCA affiliate in India can be in the range of 4 Lakhs to 6 Lakhs per annum. Once you become an ACCA member the salary increases over 7 Lakhs annually.

How much does a ACCA accountant earn?

Auditing – 23-35k. Financial consultant – 45-50k. Taxation – 25-40k. Business management – 29-60k.

Can I put ACCA after my name?

Once you have completed your ACCA Qualification by passing your exams, along with three years’ practical experience and the Ethics and Professional Skills module, you will be invited to become an ACCA member. You will be able to use the ‘ACCA’ letters after your name.

Can I write ACCA affiliate after my name?

I am an ACCA Affiliate, can I use the ACCA letters after my name? You may refer to yourself as having ACCA affiliate status but may not use the designatory letters after your name or refer to yourself as an ACCA member in any context. Affiliates who do so may be liable to disciplinary action.

How do you write a performance objective?

To Write A Meaningful Performance Objective You Need to Get S.M.A.R.T.

  1. Specific. Specific is self-explanatory, but incredibly important.
  2. Measurable. You can sum up the ‘Measurable’ criterion with one question: How will I measure success?
  3. Attainable. Attainable speaks to how realistic the objective is.
  4. Relevant.
  5. Time-bound.