How do you write a professional development reflection?

Reflection for professional development

  1. Description – what happened?
  2. Feeling – what were you thinking and feeling?
  3. Evaluation – what was good and bad about the experience?
  4. Analysis – what sense can you make of the situation?
  5. Conclusion – what else could you have done?

How do you come up with a reflection question?

8 Reflective Questions To Help Any Student Think About Their Learning

  1. What surprised you today, and why?
  2. What’s the most important thing you learned today?
  3. What do you want to learn more about, and why?
  4. When were you the most creative, and why do you think that is?
  5. What made you curious today?

What are reflective topics?

Reflective Essay Ideas About Events and First Experience

  • First time on a picnic with friends.
  • Telling a lie to my parents for the first time.
  • The happiest day so far.
  • The first time I woke up with a burden.
  • First accidental embarrassment.
  • A song that changed my mindset.
  • A movie that made me change something in your character.

What is self-reflection questions?

Self-reflection questions are questions that help you to reflect upon who you are. A lot like journaling prompts, self-reflection questions help you tap into your thoughts and emotions. They help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and your core beliefs and values so that you can get to know yourself better.

Why is reflection part of professional development?

Reflection enhances personal development by leading to self-awareness. If the focus of reflection is improvement in patient care, it helps to expand and develop clinical knowledge and skills. The process slows down activity providing time to process material of learning and link to previous ideas.

What is a professional learning reflection?

Reflective practice is ‘learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice’ (Finlay, 2008). Reflection is a systematic reviewing process for all teachers which allows you to make links from one experience to the next, making sure your students make maximum progress.

What questions can you ask yourself to self reflect following a presentation?

When reviewing your presentation, ask yourself these three questions: What did you do well? What could you improve upon? What would you do differently next time?

What questions could I ask my students that would encourage greater and/or deeper reflection?

These questions go deeper and deeper as they go on, similar to the way Bloom’s Taxonomy works….Q2. What did you like about the experience?

  • Who did you build a positive relationship with?
  • What were you drawn to?
  • What might you want to learn more about because of this?
  • What was the most enjoyable moment?

How do you write a reflective topic?

How to Write a Reflection Paper: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Step 1: Create a Main Theme.
  2. Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas and Experiences You’ve Had Related to Your Topic.
  3. Step 3: Analyse How and Why These Ideas and Experiences Have Affected Your Interpretation of Your Theme.