How do you write a broad context?

In order to establish a broader context for your topic, ask yourself what events (both past and contemporaneous) may have had an impact on the subject on which you are writing. What was the impact of these related events on your topic, and why?

What is narrow context?

1 small in breadth, esp. in comparison to length. 2 limited in range or extent. 3 limited in outlook; lacking breadth of vision. 4 limited in means or resources; meagre.

What is the meaning of immediate context?

2 closest or most direct in effect or relationship. the immediate cause of his downfall.

How do you establish historical context?

Historical Context Definition

  1. Who is the author?
  2. When was it written?
  3. Are there any references or languages you don’t understand? Could they be specific to the time period?
  4. Were there any religious, cultural, political, or economic events happening at the time that could have influenced the writer and their piece?

What is an example of contextualization?

The definition of contextualize means to analyze a word or event in terms of the words or concepts surrounding it. An example of contextualize is to keep feminist perspectives in mind when reading a novel written during the women’s civil rights movement. To place something or someone in a particular context.

What does broader and narrower mean?

A topic with a broader scope is more general and covers a wider range of ideas. A topic with a narrower scope is more specific and covers a more limited range of ideas.

What is narrow in ELA?

transitive verb. 1 : to decrease the breadth or extent of : contract —often used with down. 2 : to decrease the scope or sphere of : limit —often used with down narrow down the choices. intransitive verb.

What is literary context?

Literary context is background information or circumstances you provide to inform why something is taking place; context can also be the backstory of a character, provided to inform their behavior and personality.

What does it mean to place an excerpt in its immediate context?

a) When asked to place an extract in its immediate context, the student is expected to briefly state what happens before the extract by indicating events that lead to the given extract.

Why is it important to understand the context of a source?

Understanding the historical context of a primary source is critical for understanding the attitudes and influences that shaped the creation of the primary source. If not placed into historical context, a primary source’s true meaning might be misinterpreted.

What does it mean to contextualize something?

Definition of contextualize transitive verb. : to place (something, such as a word or activity) in a context When the rebellion is historically contextualized, it becomes clear that there were many factors that contributed to it. Other Words from contextualize More Example Sentences Learn More About contextualize.