How do you wish a passed exam?

More Formal

  1. “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  2. “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
  3. “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
  4. “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  5. “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

Do your best wishes for exam?

Warm up your brain and show the world how exceptionally wonderful you are. Wishing you the best of luck! Dear darling, you can achieve anything you heart desires providing you don’t lose faith in your remarkable abilities. May God bless you with the courage to never lose faith in yourself in the examination hall.

How do you wish students luck?


  1. “Best of luck at your race tomorrow!
  2. “Good luck today!
  3. “Good luck and good wishes.”
  4. “All the luck in the world, all wished for you.”
  5. “Good luck, you!
  6. “Love and luck to you on your first day at work.
  7. “Sending good vibes to take with you to your treatment.”
  8. “I know how important this is for you.

How do you wish students all the best?

I wish you the very best for your next level of academic achievement. May you find happiness in your next future studies. Dear students, you all have brought the name of this prestigious school to limelight through your academic performances. Thank you all.

What do you say after an exam?

Short Text Messages

  • Good luck on your exams!
  • Wishing you all the best on your test!
  • Go get ’em, tiger!
  • You’ve got this.
  • Don’t think about the test; think about the A!
  • You’ve made it so far, and you only have a little ways to go.
  • The test is in the bag.

How do you motivate someone for exams?

Good Luck Texts and Messages for Someone Studying for an Exam

  1. Wish them luck with an uplifting message or motivational quote!
  2. You’re doing great, sweetie!
  3. Impossible?
  4. This’ll be a piece of cake!
  5. Don’t watch the clock—do what it does: keep going.
  6. You are strong.
  7. Studying sucks, but success is sweet.
  8. You will beat this.